Chapter 21: Vietnam

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Aaron's POV

"Welcome back to Mexico where the Complex Strategist are the first to depart from the starting line." Don said to the camera.

Courtney hit the Don box and got the first tip.

"Travel to Canto Vietnam" Courtney read.

Don's POV

"Canto is not only a great name for a movie villain, it's also the largest city in Vietnam's thriving Mekong Delta. Teams will find there next tip here along Memong river where the fish are plentiful and pungent. Get that thing away from me!" I told the local whi was holding one of the fish.

Aaron's POV

We hopped in a cab, got to the airport and got our tickets. All of the teams managed to get the same flight.

When we landed we all dashed out of the airport getting taxi's. When we arrived at the Mekong river there was a Don box. Courtney picked up our next tip.

"It's a super team challenge. Three teams must go catfish noodling together." Courtney read.

Don's POV

"Catfish noodling is a local fishing technique using fingers as bait for enormously gross catfish. In this super team challenge teams must work in at least groups of three and collectively noodle six catfish to receive there next tip. Added bonus, if a super team catches the Ridonculous Race branded catfish, they'll receive a zip it ticket, skip the next challenge and go straight to today's chill zone. The last team to arrive here may be headed home."

Aaron's POV

Me, Courtney, the Best friends, and the surfer dudes waited for Emma and Kitty to arrive. When they did Emma seemed annoyed about the whole 'super team' thing.

We all got on the boat. Devin was on the edge looking out for some fish.

"You know, Devin's been so sweet lately. If I didn't know any better I'd think- no. I no longer read into every little thing that he does. Unless you mean it thinks something." Carrie told us.

"I think that it do-" I started, but Emma interrupted.

"Trust me love holds you back. It's best if you push those feelings deep down inside and ignore them." Emma stated.

"Well that. But also you deserve to find someone who really appreciates you." Kitty added.

"Which could possibly be Devin." I hinted.

"Hey Carrie I found this bucket chum to attract the fish to us." Devin said.

Devin then suddenly dropped the bucket and it landed right on Carrie.

"Feelings pushed down, down, and there gone." Carrie stated.

Yeah.... he probably shouldn't have dropped that.

"Okay super team. There's probably some fish right underneath us. Kitty and Geoff you cannon ball off the strength to scare the fish toward Carrie, Courtney, and I And we'll do the noodling thing to catch them." Emma explained.

"Did you say CANNON BALL!!" Geoff and Kitty both cannonballed right into the water.

Emma, Carrie, and Courtney got in the water.

"Here fishy fishy." Carrie said.

"Ah, ew ew. I got one!" Emma complained.

"This feels so weird and not in a good way." Carrie cringed.

"Ew It's gross! Yuck!" Courtney cringed.

The girls swam over to the boat and handed me, Brody, and Devin the fish. This plan seemed to be working pretty well.

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