Chapter 17: Lord of the ring toss

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Aaron's POV

Don was explaining to the viewers who was going to take off first in today's competition. Which was going to be us.

"We're back in southern Alberta and yesterday's winners are grabbing today's first tip." Don spoke at the camera as me and Courtney dashed to the Don box.


"Ah.... first place." Courtney happily sighed." It feels good."

"I know right. Back at the top where we belong." I grinned.

"As long as we keep am eye out on the other teams and keep our eyes on the prize we'll be gold."

"Mhmm...." I nodded in agreement.

Confessional ends

I tapped the button on the Don box and grabbed the tip. I quitely read over it.

"Guess we're getting a breeze. Looks like we're heading to the artic circle." I told Courtney.


"Guess you can say today's chill zone will be an actual CHILL ZONE. Get it?" I joked as Courtney raised an eyebrow." B-because It's cold."

"Yes I get it. That joke was just bad and cringy. If you going to make a pun about freezing weather you have to make it sound cool. See what I did there?" Courtney smirked.

"Fine. You win." I crossed my arms.

Don's POV

"The artic circle. Home to the world's harshest climate, whitest animals, and favorite storybook characters. Teams must fly here by Cessna. Two teams per flight to get there next tip and they'll be chilled to the bone to find out there's another boomerang in play.  Find this attached to your tip and you can make another team repeat the first challenge. Just our way of adding some, oh that's cold, to the cold." I explained.

Aaron's POV

After getting our team started off.

"Good luck guys." Geoff waved to us.

We both exchanged a look and gave him a thumbs up and kept running.


Me, Courtney,  and the surfers got in the Cessna together. After it landed me and Courtney ran to the Don box and got the next tip.

"Hm... another botch or watch. And it looks like It's your turn." Courtney read handing me the tip.

"Find a ring somewhere hidden in the snow and toss one onto a narwhal." I read." Hm... how hard could it be?" I shrugged.

Don's POV

"In this botch or watch, borchers must find a hoop somewhere hidden around this location and successfully toss it on to the tusk of a narwal. Like so." I demonstrated tossing a ring neatly onto a narwal.


"Once they finish the task, teams must ride on of these snowmobiles east until they find the next Don box. This is the last chance for teams to use the boomerang to send one team back to repeat the challenge."

Aaron's POV

I searched around in the snow until I found a ring.

"Got one." I grinned.

I saw one of the narwals. I aimed and threw in the direction of the narwal. Before the ring could get on its tusk it went back into the water.

"It's okay. It was only your first try. You got this." Courtney encouraged.

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