4 × Grounded

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"My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

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"My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows."

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows - Lesley Gore

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"Tony, if it weren't for her, that town would have been decimated. She saved lives by doing something impossible with the use of her ability."

"And I agree that she stopped a disaster, Steve. But Rumlow got away. That fact alone has officials and authorities pissed. Including Ross."

I sat waiting down the hall from Steve's office and could hear him and Tony going at it about yesterday's failed mission.

Before we returned from France, Tony was notified of the situation and he arrived at dawn to hash out the ordeal. They were supposed to include me in the discussion until Tony told me to wait outside for a "second" so they could come to a resolution. And apparently a "second" meant something different to the genius since they've been discussing it for the past five minutes.

Regarding the mission, the French government was thankful that I saved their town, and I was happy too that I accomplished such a massive feat, but they were upset we conducted a mission in their country without any indication or approval and allowed Rumlow to escape. Thankfully they were so appreciative of my heroic act that they pardoned our mistake, saying if there were casualties there would have been consequences. In other words, we were both scolded and thanked for our actions.

However, a certain government official by the name of Ross did not let the matter go and proceeded to hound us. Or rather, he hounded Tony and Steve about my unbelievable act of heroism and called me a "threat to society" if I could equally stop and create such a natural disaster with my ability. That and the huge, sad fact Rumlow got away.

With that being said, Steve defended me as Tony merely repeated what Ross said. The point of the matter was Rumlow, but the conversation revolved around Ross and his opinion regarding my ability. And all of our super powered abilities.

"We're already on the lookout for Rumlow. He's gone off the radar again, so we will simply have to wait for him to crawl out of his hiding place," Steve replied to Tony's critical comment.

"Right. And in the meantime while he's playing pillaging pirate the world suffers the repercussions," Tony retorted with his well-known sarcasm.

I slumped in the chair after his statement. He wasn't wrong. Every second Rumlow's not behind bars is a chance for him to do something the public will suffer from.

"I agree. . . Our mistake is going to affect the lives of others. You don't know how much I hate that fact. . ." Steve silently agreed.

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