It does this all the time

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I forgot to mention but she doesn't like Marco in this story I'm sorry! But maybe later I can work it in if you guys want )
Star POV
As the queen tried to start a fire with her magic . I would tell it was hopeless for her to Star it like that "don't worry I got this." I say to her as I point my wand to light the fire . It started to show green light . She quickly put her hand on my shoulder " stop! It's corrupted!"  She tried to grab it from me. " what? No it's fine this happens all the time. Glossaryck didn't care." I pushed her back a little to not grab it . Who said she was allowed to grab it from me? A little rude.

"Glossaryck isn't here and he probably isn't coming back." She stops trying to grab my wand. "What. What do you mean?" I mean I knew something was wrong with my wand ,but I didn't know it was that bad. " toffee has Glossaryck. And your wand seemed to be tainted by his dark magic as well. It's the same magic I saw when I fought ludo." I knew for a fact that some of that 'dark magic' Was caused by me . I tried some of eclipsa's spells . They aren't bad as people say they are . She seems very nice and I feel like I have a connection with her . " Let's start the fire and head to the sanctuary in the morning."

   She went to the supply's we had  left to see what we had. I could hear she was having trouble. I started to make a fire with the skills Marco taught me. She turned around and seemed surprised " did your father teach you that?" Why Did she say it so weird? I have more of a connection with him but not a lot. When he has time he tries to spend it with me but it never really works out. At least he tried to make an effort. "No Marco did. Marco taught me a lot . All the cool teen stuff." As I finish my sentence I see her stop on the fire and put it out "wha- what the heck!" She hushes me and points in a direction.
    We head over and hide in the bushes to see some rats looking around " looks like they're just scouts. We'll let them-" I was already behind the rats " look!" I whisper to her " Star! No!" They heard her and started to try to run . "Fine!" I was a little mad by now and grabbed a stick. "Stick blast!" I started to hit the rats and one by one I knocked them out . " you see that!" I said to queen " we need to get out of here immediately. I can't believe you'd be so foolish to-" then we headed squeaking and saw one of the rats untie the magic high commission and then flowing away . " the commission!"
  The queen started running to catch them and I followed behind . She was so close but they flew up and were out of her reach. "Where did they go?" She said, taking a breath. "Up there." I point to a tree that looks very shady. " guess we're going up." She grunts and starts climbing . I hear her mumble 'she never listens to me' . "Well Im sorry what's the big deal?" I say responding to her comment " the big deal is that you're reckless and put us in harm's way." She responds. "It's just a little danger." I see a skeleton and take its hat and put it on my head. " Im a right." I say elbowing the skeleton
" Mmm! Mmm!" I turn to see moon trapped under vines . "Oh my," I pulled her out. " Are you okay?"  I ask her, " Yes, let's just get the magic high commission and get out of here." She tells me . " Okay" I respond and return the hat to the skeleton " here you go."
  We found the commission and untangled them " look over there" she pointed to a direction and looked.
                            The sanctuary.

Star the daughter of Eclipsa [ ON HOLD ]Where stories live. Discover now