what. the. fuck.

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*Haley's POV*

"AUSTIN STOP DOING THAT" I yelled "WHAT AM I DOING" he yelled spraying the cat with holy water "that. Your spraying the cat with holy water like dude its holy enough" I said he huffed and said "fine I'm going to the bathroom "what are we gonna do with him" I mumbled to myself "ITS A SPIDER EW EW EW SOMEONE KILL IT EWWWW" Juliet screamed "EW WHERE OH GOD I HATE SPIDERS" I screamed hiding behind Juliet "ITS RIGHT THERE" Alyssa screamed and pointed at it and oh my god I almost died that shit was huge as fuck ewwwww

Right now its Alyssa, Juliet, Vic, Kellin, and I all huddle up Austin and Alan are in the bathroom doing da no no Andy and Ashley is in Andy's office "DONT WORRY BATMAN IS HERE" Andy yelled dress head to toe in his batman gear "NANANANANANA BATMAN" he screeched jumping on the counter "NOW MY FELLOW CITIZENS WHEN IS THIS SPIDER YOU ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT" he bellowed making his voice deeper we all pointed to were it was and he turned around and let's be clear that son of a bitch is huuuge.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Andy screamed in the most girliest voice every and off the bar crawling towards us in terror "not so batman now huh?" I snorted he glared at me before yelling for Ashley "ASHY BABY PLEASE HELP" Ashley came out of Andy's office "what? What is it? Are you hurt?" He asked checking Andy everywhere seeing for any wounds which he has a huge bruise from where he feld "no no I'm fine but look" he pointed to the devil spider "really" Ashley said emotionless taking off his shoe smashing the spider ok maybe I was making the whole its huuuge thing up but I hate spiders and it was big.

"MY HERO" Austin yelled running and jumping on Ashley "nun uhh get yo hands off my man" Andy says sassy and snapping his fingers in a Z formation "can we do something I'm so bored oooo let's go to the movies" Juliet says we all agreed and left to go to the movies.

We all arrived at the movies and we couldn't decide what movie "what about mocking jay" Alyssa suggested "nooo let's see Annie" Vic said they all were aguring and I could careless what we saw then Austin yelled "GUYS. GUYS I GOT IT....." we all looked at him and motion for him to go on "big hero 6" we all looked at eachother and agreeing then went to buy our tickets.

Once when we got our tickets we went to get our snacks and we went up to some bimbo name kina she had fake tits and long hair extensions and she was giving all of us a shitty attitude well expect ash. "That's not how to treat your costumers bitch" Alyssa said throwing popcorn at her I just laughed and then she started flirting with Ashley. Oh god. "Umm excuse you stop flirting with my man bitch" Andy snapped pulling Ashley closer "ew why would he want someone like you" she spat eyeing him up and down in a bad way "oh hell no bitch" Andy said crawling over the thing while yelling "come over here so I can pull your fake ass hair out" me and Juliet looked at each other before running and pulling Andy off by his legs while Ashley has him by his waist "babe its not worth it" Ashley said kissing his neck over and over like awww can they by anymore cuter!

After we tamed Andy kina muttered something I didn't catch it but Juliet did and she snapped "oh shut the fuck up like seriously we have a life and we don't need your judgemental ass in it you shank bag" and with that Juliet stormed off and I flipped kina off and walked away once we got over to where kellin and Vic were this one chick is trying to hit up kellin "umm sorry to burst your bubble sweet cheeks but he is mine" Vic says putting his hand on his hip but this chick was smart and said "oh my god I'm sorry I didn't know but congrats you two" and with that she walked away "what that fuck is up with all these girl trying to get with gay men Jesus" I said out loud "none tried to get with me not that I care but I was see Alan go all sassy" Austin said and Alan giggled "because Austin" Alyssa begin and put her hand on his shoulder or the little she could reach "no one likes you" I laughed and everyone else joined in and Austin glared after that we went in and got our seats once the previews began we started making jokes, throwing popcorn at people, Austin constantly farting like holy shit. Then the movie started and we settled down during the sad parts in their I looked and everyone I mean everyone Austin, Alan, Andy, Ashley,Alyssa, kellin, vic, Juliet, and I crying like it was sad but then there is funny parts.

*after movie*

"Oh my god that was so cute" Alyssa started "oh god yes and how bamex was running like aw aw aw" I said "I wanna see it again its so cute" Juliet added on and everyone agreed "can you buy us one Andy?" I asked/pleaded "if I could I would but 1000 of them" he said we keep talking about the movie until we got back to diner Andy was staying with Ashley again so all of us slept in his huge ass bed Alan and Austin was cuddling Vic and kellin and Alyssa, Juliet, and I were I shit you not all cuddling see we are that close now we all talked about dildos before finally falling asleep wow. What a wonderful fucking day I thought drifting off to sleep but not forgetting to say goodnight to everyone else in the bed and texting Andy goodnight and I love you in a brotherly way though of course which he replied and telling me him and Ashley are going for round 6 like I didn't need to know that but I told everyone else and they replied like "holy shit they never get tired" and so on before I feld asleep.







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