Fire in the sky, an inferno in his veins: Part 2

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(Continued after part 1)


"Y-you..." izuku stuttered, feeling his heart rate begin to accelerate to inhuman levels

"Oops, my bad, I didn't mean to catch a weakling in the blast, but it does matter to me if she lives or dies, as long as I can finally kill you off" Bakugo said, grinning at what he had done. Some other class A students approached as well as some villains. All were shocked at what was before them. Mr compress was before going to capture Bakugo, but he was held back by muscular. Even he knew not to intervene now that izuku is cranking it to max.


Todoroki picked up Momo and quickly carried her off to safety. He was scared stiff by her slow, and rugged breathing. Izuku was starting to look more terrifying than usual. he was his in his usual transformation, but the whites of his eyes had turned a blood red, and his hair had begun to stand on end.


His sheer size and strength began to rival that of all mights, and if his eyes were anything to go by, he didn't intend to hold even the littlest bit of it back.


"You ruined my life and tortured me on end..." Izuku began


"You made my old friends and idol abandon me, and treat me like a villain!" He shouted, not noticing he now had a full audience.




"YOU CAN HURT ME, YOU CAN DAMAGE ME, BUT THE MOMENT, THE GOD DAMN MOMENT THAT YOU HURT THOSE WHO I LOVE, WHO STILL CARE FOR ME AFTER ALL THIS TIME. THAT IS WHEN I SWEAR ON MY NAME IZUKU MIDORIYA, " the villains started to back away. They had seen izuku angry, they had seen him when he was absolutely livid, but they had never seen him this pissed off.


"I WILL SLAUGHTER EVERYONE YOU HOLD DEAR" he yelled, giving off a feeling of raw, untamed bloodlust. He ran towards bakugo at full speed and reeled his first back. Bakugo tried to counter with an one for all charged explosion punch, but when their fists connected, all that was heard was snapping bones. Bakugo screamed in pain, while Izuku's arm continued to crack and break. To everyone's terror and surprise, Izuku's body was tearing itself apart to pin the bones and muscles back together. Izuku once again punched bakugo, this time unhindered, and the sound of more bones breaking was audible for miles. Izuku continued his assault, shattering bone after bone, joint after joint in Bakugo body, until he was hit by several darts in the spine. They seemed to have no effect until 30 seconds passed and he flopped on the ground.

"That's our little prisoner for you~ it took seven tranquilizer darts to bring him down" toga commented, dropping from the tree with dabi and Magne.

Everyone was still stuck in place with terror and shock while mr compress captured bakugo along with todoroki and momo. As the villains left, not all were accounted for. The hero's had defeated moonfish, muscular, mustard, and a few others, but they too took some losses. Momo, todoroki, and bakugo were captured, Izuku was their unwilling prisoner, Sato was in critical condition and hanging on by a thread, and mineta was dead.

Tonight was a catastrophe of their own making.


Izuku woke up strapped to a chair, with a replica of his mask on his face. His head felt like a bag of bricks, and his head was pounding. When he found the energy to looked up, he noticed how he in a room he had never seen before. It was dimly lit, yet was bright enough for him to see a little of what was in front of him. As he started to move, he heard footsteps coming towards him. He tried to struggle until a familiar voice spoke.

"It's alright Izuku, it's just me" all for one spoke as he stepped out from the dark

"Sensei, why am I restrained? Did I do something wrong in my blind rage?!" Izuku said, his mind already panicking at all the different things he could of done wrong.

"Don't worry, I simply restrained you until I was sure you had calmed down. After all, you did a number on the target" all for one explained. Izuku's mind started to clear as he remembered what had happened, and he almosted rampaged again, until a large, cold hand gently rested on his shoulder, snapping him out of his anger.

"Speaking of targets, what do you think we should do to bring our three guests over to our side?" All for one asked Izuku

"Well, todoroki will be easy to convince as his I hear his father, the number 2 hero is abusive to him and his siblings. Momo will be much harder, but if we turn todoroki, she may follow soon after. And then there's the warhead..." Izuku thought for a second before continuing "...there's no hope for him, his belief in hero's is so strong that if he were to join us, he'd feel like he had stooped below me, and would do everthing he could to put himself on top... but... I have a different idea of how he could be of use to us..." Izuku said, smiling ear to ear, with a spark of insanity in his eyes.


Well that was a bit of a roller coaster now wasn't it?

Sorry again for the cliff hanger, it's just that over 2000 words and about 4 or 5 twists and turns in one chapter felt like too much for both you guys and me.

Hope you enjoyed!

Author proceeds to attempt to sleep

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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