Sick (Tadashi x Reader)

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You walked into SFIT, stifling a cough. I think I might be sick, you thought miserably. Your forehead felt warmer than usual. But I need to finish this robot.

Honey Lemon looked up at you."Hi, (Y/N)."

You opened your mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a huge coughing fit. You fell forward and caught yourself on your hands and knees. Honey Lemon leaped out of her chair. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?"

You held out a hand in a stop gesture. "Get away from me," you rasped. "Or you'll get sick too!" You grabbed your water with a shaking hand and chugged some down.

A hand wrapped around your arm and pulled you up. It was Tadashi. "If you're ill, we need to get you home right away."

"But. . . " You looked longingly over your shoulder as Tadashi led you outside towards his scooter. "(Y/N), why did you come if you knew you were sick?"

"I wanted to work on my robot," you said meekly.

Tadashi glanced at you as he drove to your house. You felt bad for taking him away from school. When he dropped you off, you walked towards your house. "Thanks, Tadashi, you can go now."

"I'm not going anywhere until you get better."

You shrugged and let him into your empty house. Tadashi had been to your house several times, so he knew his way around. "Sit down and I'll take care of you," he said. He reached out and felt your forehead. Then he left for the bathroom.

You sighed and plopped down on the couch. "This isn't necessary, I can take care of myself," you told Tadashi when he returned with a thermometer.

"Nonsense." Tadashi slipped the thermometer into your mouth. As three minutes ticked past, Tadashi stared at you.

Self-consciously, you fidgeted and refused to look at him. "Um. . . is there something on my face or something? You're kind of staring. . . "

Tadashi snapped back to reality. "Huh? Oh, sorry." He reached out and took the thermometer. He looked at it, and said, "Only two degrees above normal." He reached out a brushed a stray lock of (H/C) hair off your forehead and tucked it behind your ear. "Do you want water or something?"

"I'm fine," you said quietly.

"Come on, you need to rest." Tadashi scooped you up bridal-style and walked to your bedroom. You clung onto him as he opened your door. Tadashi gently set you down on the bed. "I'll be in the living room," Tadashi said.

"Wait, Tadashi," you said, grabbed his wrist. "Can you stay?"

"Sure," Tadashi said, sitting on the edge of the bed. You snuggled into your covers and closed your eyes. 

"Go to sleep," Tadashi's voice said softly, brushing stray strands of hair out of your face. You felt his fingers press against your cheek gently. 

You didn't dare to open your eyes as his thumb brushed against your lips. Surely it wasn't his thumb, right? It was too soft.

You gathered your courage and opened your eyes just a little. Your eyes widened when you saw it was Tadashi, kissing you. 

Tadashi must have sensed your eyes had opened, because he opened his eyes too. He quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry," he said, turning away.

"It's okay," you murmured, blushing. "But you're going to get sick."

"I'll gladly get sick if it means keeping you happy," Tadashi said, leaning down to kiss you again.

* * *

TT_TT School's coming back.


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