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After being invited from Yamato to hang out, you got yourself caught up surrounded by another group of boys from another's school. "Rinko, this isn't..?"

"Oh, we're just hanging out! Don't worry, these are Takeo's friends!" You look at the big guy who happened to be Yamato's boyfriend. You smiled and walk up to him.

"Thank you for taking care of Rinko! I'm [Last Name] [Name]!" you greeted loudly, bowing down. He bows down too, greeting you back as well. You look to his right, who started to laugh at you. "..What?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. For a moment, you reminded me of this guy." the blonde said, pointing at Takeo. "I'm Sunakawa Makoto."

"That's okay! I'm [Last Name] [Name]." you bowed again. Your friends laugh, apologizing to Sunakwa.

"Sorry! She's a bit of an airhead and very loud!" You rubbed the back of your head, agreeing. You look at Yamato for a second.

"Well, I guess if it's nothing to set me up on a date, then I guess I'll hang out!" you said, bashfully. As the group started to walk into the restaurant, you caught some of the girls staring at Sunakawa. You looked at him too for a moment but didn't felt the giggly feeling that the other girls did. You wondered why.

"Thanks again, Suna for coming," Takeo said. You turn around to smile.

"Your name is Suna? Sorry, I totally forgot your name even though you told me. It's kind of hard remembering so many people's names all at once. Haha." you laugh.

"No, his full name is Sunakawa Makoto." Osamu pointed out.

"Ah. Is it okay if I can call you Suna then?" you stopped, shaking your head. "If that's uncomfortable with you-"

"No, it's fine. It's better than being too formal." Suna cuts you off. You looked at him a little shocked and gave out a loud chuckle.

"Pft." you laugh. "Maybe, you're right."

Lucky, [Name]! Getting along with Suna very easily! Your friends cry.

His Answer, Your Answer [Sunakawa Makoto]Where stories live. Discover now