week 2

180 15 5

October 9

It was still early in October, but several of Abby's neighbors had already decorated their houses with ghosts and ghouls. She remembered when she and Michael would walk around town around Halloween and check out the different decorations, either laughing or walking away, frightened.

She shivered slightly as a cool gust of wind traveled through the thin material of Michael's hoodie and grazed against her skin before passing by. It was times like now she wished Michael was here to walk with her and keep her warm.


"And baby now," a sweet voice sang, joined by the clattering of pots and pans, "take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars-"

Abby's singing was interrupted by her phone, the device vibating on the white kitchen counter. She quickly ran her hands under the faucet, the cold water easing off any traces of food on her fingertips before answering.


"Hi, baby!"

It was Michael. His phone calls had been very consisitent over the past fourteen days, and in his opinion, he was positive he was doing an excellent job with keeping in touch with all his loved ones; especially Abby.

"Hey, Michael," Abby gushed, her heart aching at the mere thought of him being hundreds of miles away.

"How are you? What time is it there? I'm too lazy to check."

She peered at the digital clock on the microwave,
"Almost seven."

"In the morning? Shit, I'm sorry-"

Abby giggled, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's silly mistake.

"No, Mikey, night. I'm making dinner right now."

He let out a sigh of relief, greatful he hadn't called her at an unpleasant time. Timezones were always tricky for Michael- not meaning he was dumb- he just never payed much attention to them.

"Alright, well, I have to go to an interview right now, sorry, babe. I'll talk to you later, love you."

Traces of a small frown etched their way onto her face as she said her goodbyes to her boyfriend and hung up the phone, wanting to talk to him longer. She could talk to him
all day if she were allowed to aside from the packed schedule.

She resumed singing, only this time, a soft hum filled the air. The sadness slowly crept under her skin and into her bones, slowly attacking her heart.


sorry this is short, theres drama coming up in the next chapter and the ones after :)

feedback is appreciated, i love all of u so much!!

main twitter: afterpartycal
side twitter: 20kmgc
instagram: hemmos1996

home for the holidays // mgcOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant