Creepypasta - The Celestial Guardian

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Where to begin, well I might as well start off by saying my name is Alex, Alexander Jin Kaiser. I was born in 1985, the year was currently 2002, and I had recently turned 17 along with several of my friends. Well, my only friends Liu Woods who is 19, his younger brother Jeffrey Woods who is 18, there younger sister Jessica Woods who is 17. And finally, my last friend Jane Richardson who is 17 as well. I might as will also say that both Jessica and Jane both have a massive crush on me, and I'd be a fool to say I didn't have a crush on either one of them.

We lived in Orange County, California and I, Jess, and Jane were currently juniors at John F. Kennedy High School, while Jeff is a senior and his older brother Liu had already graduated the year prior. Everything was going wonderfully until tragedy struck one night. We had all gone to a party thrown by another classmate of ours, Benjamin Riley Tucker in the irritating kid but a friend, nonetheless. Jeff had been jumped by three kids in our school who were known as bullies and enjoyed messing with people. Randy, Troy, and Keith who all took great delight in picking on Jeff and Jess every chance they got.

Jeff had accidentally killed Troy when they attacked him, and Keith and Randy had retaliated by pouring bleach all over Jeff's body and lit him on fire. It was a truly horrifying sight, Jess had a mental breakdown and sent both Randy and Keith to the hospital, both Jane and I were able to restrain her, but the damage was already done. We didn't want to believe it but the Jeff we knew was gone he had mentally snapped.

Everything that happened after that fateful night, all I know is from the rumors I've heard from everyone around town. Jeff's face had been permanently disfigured and his skin was ghastly pale from being burned, his lips were bright red and had a leathery texture. After being released from the hospital, he supposedly had carved his face into a permanent smile, so he would no longer have to waste energy to smile and burnt off his eyelids. And later that night he had killed both his mother and father along with his older brother. He had failed to kill his younger sister Jess as she, well I haven't seen her sense, but I just have the feeling that she still alive out there, somewhere.

I and Jane thought it couldn't get any worse, but we were wrong. We were so wrong, a week after Jeff had murdered his family, he had murdered Jane's mother and father along with her younger sister Jesse. Jane wasn't the same after this, while she was still friendly towards me, she was broken, to say the least, and several weeks later she just left without even saying goodbye. This left me all alone, just me and my mom Elizabeth Dallas Taylor. I'm sure you've noticed but we don't have the same last name, you see my father before he left gave me my last name Kaiser. For what reason I do not know, it doesn't really matter I never met the man.

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It had been three years since Jess had gone missing and Jane had left. I had since graduated high school and I was currently unemployed looking for employment. I rode my bike home after another unsuccessful day of jobhunting. "Man, this sucks. I can't understand it, why won't anyone hire me?" I muttered bitterly under my breath.

I got off my bike as I guided it up the driveway, I noticed none of the lights were on in the house. Odd? 'My mom's car is in the driveway? She couldn't be asleep already?' I thought to myself while I looked at my watch noticing that it was only seven-thirty, plus tonight was Wednesday my mom's favorite show is coming on at eight. There is no way she was going to miss it.

I parked my bike next to the house as I walked to the back door pulling out my keys, I noticed the back door was open. At closer inspection it looked like it had been forced open, a feeling of worry filled me as I gently pushed the door open. 'Something isn't right here.' I thought as I crept up the stairs as quiet as possible. The faint light from outside was enough to illuminate most of the house, though I thought I saw movement out of the corner my eye, it was just the shadows.

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