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Adrien's POV (at his house)

And again as soon as I'm in my bedroom and de-transformed Natalie knocks on my door and tells me I have ten minutes to be down and ready to go to school as well as eat breakfast. Just as soon as I am finished with the small amount of food my father deems a meal for me I am forced to head to the car. "Hey, Natalie could I go to Luka's house for extra band practice after school today he was asking if I could because he wrote some new songs and was wondering if I could tell him whether or not they were easy enough for other less experienced people to play if they so wished." "Hmmm." She says while glancing at my schedule. "yes its seems as if you have nothing booked you may go what time should we be picking you up by?"  "Natalie does 5:30 work?" I ask. "well then Adrien will you be walking to this friend's house or should we drive you. We will be picking you up at 5:30 either way." She says sternly "I will walk there as long as it's okay if I do." I tell her. "Of course," she says then we both get into the car and I am driven off to school where hopefully Nino is waiting for me as usual. when we get there Nino is in his usual spot waiting for me by the curb and as soon as the car stops I get out as fast as possible and jog to where Nino is standing a few meters away from where the Gorilla parked the car so that I could get out. "Hey, dude what up?" "Nothing Much Nino." "You sure? because you sure are smiling a whole lot more than you were yesterday," he says. "Okay fine I'll tell you as long as you don't tell anyone else." he nods for me to continue. " Alright so Luka asked me to come over after school and I asked Natalie if I could go and she said yes and now I'm super excited about it because normally we don't get to spend that much time with each other unless I sneak out of the house." "That's awesome bro!" he smiles and pulls me in for a bro hug as he calls it. when we pull apart we do our secret handshake (Which by the way looks awesome if I do say so myself.) It was all Nino's idea but we both came up with the movements for it. then we head over to class talking about all the new video games and new song artists as well as Jagged stone who is amazing,  as well as the 'King Of Rock And Roll Baby' just to quote him. We enter the classroom and everything falls silent including Ninoa and I mostly because everyone is glaring at us obviously Marinette and Alya have been talking to our classmates making them think that we were the bad guys in this situation, even Ivan was glaring lightly even though he seemed to more confused than anything else.

(End of the day after classes)

Thank god that has got to be the most uncomfortable day of school ever! Everyone was glaring at Nino and I. Thankfully at lunch but not really all of our classmates didn't bug us so I was free to tell Nino about what was happening tonight but even then that wasn't very much as I didn't know much in the first place. When the bell rang I ran out the door as best as I could trying not to look too funny as even though my wound seems to be mostly healed even after a few days. I'm still worried about tearing the stitches, it looks like I'm going to have to talk to Luka about that later. Some passers-by are looking at me oddly, probably because I'm the 'famous' Adrien Agreste and I'm running through the streets like a maniac to get to my boyfriend's house. Although nobody knows but Nino, Luka and Luka's family. When I finally arrive I am only slightly out of breath and Luka is at the door waiting for me so as soon as the door is shut behind me he pulls me in and whispers in my ear "You're mine now Agreste." then he bites my earlobe playfully. "As you wish," I tell him. "But what about my stitches?" he seems to pause for a moment then pulls me along until we get to his room and he pulls out a pair of scissors and quickly and efficiently cuts my stitches out making me hiss slightly at the pain and the coolness of the scissor blades. (A/N It gets a little dirty after this point and you're not comfortable with this then skip.)  As soon as the scissors are somewhere, where we won't hurt ourselves, later on, he pulls me over to him and starts to attack my neck with kisses and small bites. eventually, we end up on his bed and both of our shirts are off, he is on top of me kissing down my chest slowly, then he goes back up and grasps my lips in a heated passionate kiss. All the while he is straddling my hips grinding into them which causes me to moan, soon his hands are trailing back down my chest and then he looks up at me as if asking if he can go lower and I nod my head, after all, we have a few hours, right? So why not enjoy this time with my amazing boyfriend. When he sees that I've nodded he continues down to my groin and slowly undoes the zipper, when there is a release of pressure I groan. Then my hands soon find their way down his chest until they are resting on his hips and we look each other in the eyes and he nods then lean in and connect our lips all the while I'm undoing his zipper and in the middle of our kiss he groans and we lose contact.

(A/N Cliffhanger I know I'm Evil -Nix)

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