More School....funnnnn...

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Alya POV

Uuuggghhhhh!!!! Adrien's dad is so mentally abusive! Im surprised he still thinks it's normal after hanging with Marinette, Nino and I. It would be so cute if he and Marinette got together. Like can you imagine how awkwardly adorable that would be?

Adrien's POV

"Morning plagg." " Good morning lover boy, have a good sleep?" plagg says half-heartedly "If you even had any sleep that is..." he mutters thinking I won't hear him. "Oh, shut it plagg! And I didn't stay up all night texting Luka. I even skipped out on meeting with ladybug because I was so tired." "Oh, riiiiight I forgot oops." I glare playfully at him and we both laugh it off. "Hey, kid dont you have to meet with your annoying friends before school today?" "Shit right plagg." "Plagg claws out!"
As I leapt from rooftop to rooftop it felt exhilarating and calm like I could have no worries, we all know that's not the case because I have the responsibility of being Chat Noir as well as being the model son of Gabriel Agreste. I stop on a building overlooking the seine river and my handsome boyfriend's boathouse, maybe I should drop by and hope that im not late for meeting with my friends before school again. I jump off the building and say "Claws off" I land it and plagg comes out of my ring looking highly annoyed. "Why are you doing this you know that if you go over there that you will be late for school!" "Yeah, yeah plagg whatever you say. You do know that have self-control right?" "Sure you do Kid especially when you're with that boyfriend of yours."

Time skip

He slammed me up against the wall for the fifth time this morning. He started lightly kissing down my neck, I moved my head to the side to let him have better access. He bit down ever so slightly just under my collar bone. I moaned when he did that. "Luka, that better not leave a mark." He bit down again. I moaned a little louder at that. "Ugh, Luka I need to get to school and meet up with my frieh~...nds." Luka starts kissing me again "Sure you do~" he hums into my skin as he softly kisses my neck. I push him away and say "Luka Im serious I need to get to school for 8:30." "Well too late its already 8:45," he says matter of factly. "Couldn't you just stay here with me all day?" "No! I mean not that wouldn't love to but if I dont show up tp Scholl then they will call my father and tell him im not there and then, well you know what would happen." "Yeah, you're right sorry for being so selfish and to want to look at your amazing body all the while being thankful that it's all mine." Luka leans back into me and I blush at that. "Jeez, and I thought I was the flirt." I say smugly " I learned it from the best." I rolled my eyes at that one. "Aww, anyway I have to get going now see you later Luka!" im turning around to leave when he says, "Hey Adrien one more thing." and he kisses me passionately for few seconds, I transform and leave feeling great until I realize that im late to meet with Alya Nino and Marinette.

I arrive next to the school in an empty alleyway and detransform. "Hey, kid you're cutting it close today." "Plagg I know, Iknow stop pestering me." " Alyas going to have my hide." "It's your fault and you now it kid now get out there and try to survive her interrogation." "I can try plagg, I can try." I casually walk out of the alleyway and turn the corner to go to school, where I saw Ayla looking annoyed and Nino and Mari looking sad. I wonder what happened? Oh, no Alyas looking at me. "Adrien Agreste get your ass over here right now and explain to us why the hell you are late meeting with us again!" "that girl riles me up sometimes. "Alya! At least I wasn't late for school today!" I shout back. Oh shit, I think I pissed her off more than I wanted to. Honestly, I should move farther away but that would make all of hells 9 circles seem like paradise in comparison. Now that I walked close enough so that im not within striking range I feel slightly more comfortable than I would be prancing around in my underclothes. "Adrien why in the hell are you late this time?! Dont tell me that you slept in again because last night you weren't answering anyone texts and the only reason you wouldn't at night would be because you were sleeping! So what was it this morning that was so important that you had to be late?!" "there was nothing I just felt like taking in the scenery today on the walk over and got a little distracted, Alright?"

"Are you sure? Because your hair is more messed up than usual and your lips are red..... need I say more?" "Wait really?" "Yeah, what did you think I was stupid?" "No Alya I would never think that of you." "So whos the lucky girl?" "Nobody, I wasn't with a girl." "lies you have all the symptoms, distracted, redder lips, messed up hair and you're so secretive as of late. So who is it? Because it would have to be someone like Chloe or Lila to warrant such secrecy." "No, there was no girl." "I looked towards Marinette and she looked close to tears and she then said, "Adrien I thought that you trusted us, now you are probably seeing someone and won't tell us wh she is its hurting all of us because you won't share who this girl is that seems to really give you a spark." "Mari there is no girl. As I've said before there is no girl and there is no secret partner." "Then why are your lips so red hmmm?" Alya asked accusingly. "I guess that I've taken on the habit of biting my lips when im stressed out. sorry, I was worrying you guys I didn't mean to honest." "Thanks, dude for clearing all that up now we should be getting to class now because we dont want to get detention again."

We head in solemnly and everyone seems to know that there is a rift within the group either by accidentally listening in or our obvious moods. I sit down next to Nino and he turns away from me. I guess he didn't believe anything of what I had said outside. Ok, some of it was indeed complete bullshit. But the part about there being no girl or girls involved was completely true.

Marinette's POV

I wonder if Alya saw the slight bruise just under his collar bone when he was fidgeting about? I feel like my world is crashing down since Adrien is hiding his secret lover from us and I thought that a measly bakers' daughter could sway the great designer Gabriel Agreste's son. I guess that it was not meant to be but now what am I going to do who will I get married to! Oh no, this is a disaster maybe I should try and expose his secret to everyone as soon as I find out who he's been seeing for who knows how long.

(A/N) Hey guys minus what im writing here there are 4574 words in this story in only 4 chapters can you believe it? Anyway, im done now hope you liked it!

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