“Do it!” he yelled and pulled my head forward by my hair. I flinched at the pain, but did as I was told. I grabbed the band of his underwear and pulled it down to where his ‘dick’ (if that’s what you want to call it) flopped out. I sat back down on my knees and put my head down. No WAY am I sucking… that.

“Well come on!” he yelled again. He waited for a second but then grabbed my hair and pulled me face level to it. This is worse than school lunch.

(Dalton’s P.O.V.)

Where is he? I’ve been sitting at the table for 10 minutes now and he hasn’t shown up yet. I stopped looking over the study guide and just started at the doors, wanting him to come walking in telling some lame excuse of why he was late. Maybe he left for the day? No, he wouldn’t leave without telling me. Maybe he went outside? No, again he wouldn’t go anywhere without telling me. Unless he wanted to be alone. But it’s not good for him to be left alone for too long. Especially not with the kids at this school. A bunch of jackasses they are.

Maybe I should go looking for him. I hope he’s not in trouble. First I went outside to see if he was there, but he was nowhere in sight. Next I went to his locker, but again he was nowhere. He could be in the bathroom. I walked to the first floor bathroom and tried to open in, but it was locked. I knocked and heard a muffled scream type noise. What in the world? I pushed and pushed on the door until it flew open. There was no one in here. All of a sudden I heard a loud bang in the last stall of the bathroom. I ran over and kicked the door in. I saw Jerald with a knife to skylar’s throat and a crying Skylar on his knees with a piece of cloth wadded up in his mouth.

“Take one more step and I’ll cut his throat wide open.”

“What the fuck are you doing Jerald? You think your gonna get away with killing someone?”

“Of course not, but I know you wouldn’t risk losing him, so I can get past you. Back up!” he ordered. I took a step back and he advanced. I kept stepping back as he stepped out of the stall. He pulled the knife away from skylar’s throat only the cut deep on his arm. Skylar let out a strangled cry of pain and Jerald ran away laughing. I dropped to my knees and got to work. I took the cloth out of his mouth and wrapped it around his wound. I untied the rope around his feet and hands. Then I pulled him into the biggest hug and let him cry on my shoulder. I cradled him and shushed him until he stopped crying and as now only whimpering from the pain in his arm. I could see the blood surfacing on the cloth and knew we had to get medical attention or he would lose a lot o blood. Just as I picked him up to carry him to the office, the bell rang signaling that all kids would be in the hallways. This is gonna be difficult.

“It’s gonna be okay, Skylar. Were gonna go to the office and get you help then report that lowlife bastard.”

“It’s okay. I’m fine.” He tried to stand up, but his legs gave out and he fell. I helped him back up and picked up his legs so I was carrying him bridal style. He’s so skinny that I barely had to use muscle to lift him up. I carried him all through the hallway staying as close to the lockers as I could and trying to avoid contact with anyone.

We reached the office and when I carried him in, the nurse immediately come over to me and asked what happened. She saw the blood and marks on his neck and decided to not ask questions right now. She had me carry him over to the nurse office where she got out a first aid kit and got to work. She took off skylar’s shirt and took a double take at what she saw. She recovered quickly and ignored everything on his body and focused on the gash that was still bleeding. Skylar was loopy and was having trouble staying awake. I held his hand and he whimpered from the nurse putting some medicine on the wound. She placed heavy gauze on it and wrapped it with some type of medical type. She then went to go get ice and put it on his neck.

“Were gonna have to call the hospital and see if they can give him some more blood so he can recover quickly,” she told me. I nodded and looked at skylar’s pale face, all the while thinking to myself ‘I wish I had paid more attention to him’.

(Skylar’s P.O.V.)

Damn, my arm hurts like a bitch. What the fuck happened to it?

“Skylar?” Dalton? Is that you? “Skylar, are you awake?” Okay that voice isn’t Dalton. Why is it so dark? Ohhh yeah. I opened my eyes to find Dalton and his father looking over me.

“Hey,” I said casually. “Thank god. Okay Dalton, I’m going down stairs to make him some soup. Make sure he knows what happened and stuff.”

“Okay bye dad.” His dad walked away and waved at me.

“What do you remember?” he asked me quietly.

“well we were at school and Jerald was there and he called us faggots the lunch came around and I saw you then Jerald came up behind me and dragged me away and took me to the bathroom then I got confused and he tied my up and he-…” he cut himself off and wouldn’t look at me.

“What did he do?” I asked suddenly angry but worried.

“H-he m-made me undo his pants…” what. “…with my teeth.” He still wouldn’t look at me and he was shaking a bit. He’s scared.

“Skylar,” I said his name with softness hoping he wouldnt be afraid of me. “I’m not angry at you… just tell me what happened. I need to know.”

He looked up at me and continued, “He made me pull down his boxers and tried to make me suck his dick,” he said hesitantly. “You came in right after I bit him. He had cloth around my neck and he undid it then put it in my mouth. He threatened me that if I did anything he would slit my throat. I pushed into him and he fell into the door, which was the bang you heard. He almost killed me right there, but you kicked the door and he got behind me. The rest you already know.” He looked down again like he was ashamed. It wasn’t his fault.

“It wasn’t your fault, Skylar.” He just shook his head. I saw a tear escape his eye.

“I’m disgusting. I touched another man when I was in a relationship with you.” Does he really feel that way?

“He made you. He threatened you. He used force and I don’t blame you at all, Skylar. I love you, you know that. I reported Jerald and he got expelled. In no way am I mad at you.” I pulled him into a hug and he started crying again. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He looked so sad and lost. I placed my lips on his tenderly hoping he would feel better. I miss the feeling of his lips when they’re not on mine. I could stay this way forever, but I couldn’t. I herd my dad walking up the stairs and pulled away.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you, too,” he whispered back. He snuggled into my chest as my dad came in and set down the soup.

“Have him eat it but not all at once. I’m sure he’s hungry. Take care of him, okay make sure not the touch any of his wounds.”

“Okay, Dad. Thank you,” I told him.

He just nodded his head and walked away.

I heard little snores coming from Skylar and realized he had fallen asleep. I guess he was also tired.

“Goodnight, baby boy. I love you.” I kissed the side of his neck where his bruises were and his arm where his gash was. “Its not your fault,” I whispered before falling asleep with him in my arms.

By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held onto me
I held on as tightly as you held onto me......

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