"I don't know...waterfall?" Ela said and we looked each other then Raven typed Ela's answer and the USB immediately was unlocked 

"I can't believe we didn't think about that one" Raven said 

We saw the blueprint of the plasma sword we wanted and a message of Andrew telling us that he finally made it easier for us to make.  

"Everything is here," James said 

"Well you are in charge of building it James, we are just going to help you," I said. James wasn't sure to be up to the task but then he smirked 

"You got it, Cap" James said 

We left the computer lab and went with James to find the material we need, Ela was following me even though I asked her not to do it. After we found the materials James had to ask Mira hoping she could get what we couldn't find. While he was doing that we were waiting for him in the area we put the materials. 

"So while we wait. (y,n) how well do you know your girlfriend?" Yun suddenly asked and I blushed 

"Well, I think more or less..." I said but they looked at me in disbelief 

"Oh yeah? what's Ela's hobby?" Raven asked. 

Ela PoV 

 "Well I know she likes to draw so I bet that's her hobby" (y,n) said and I smiled with a tiny blush on my face 

"Is it true?" Yun asked me and I nodded as I took the sketching wallet (y,n) got me 

"Yeah and thanks by the way!" I hugged him 

"And what about you, Ela?" Yun looked at me 

"What's (y,n) hobby?" Raven asked me and I looked at (y,n) because I didn't know and I was so mad at myself because I never bother to ask him 

"Told you she wouldn't know," Raven said 

"Wait! it's my fault because I never told her even though she asked me" (y,n) said and I knew he was lying

"Well, that changes things...Ela, would you believe me if I tell you that this guy is the best guitar player ever?" Yun  said as she places her hand on (y,n) shoulder while he has his face buried in his  hands

"Dude are you serious?" I said totally amazed by this revelation but (y,n) didn't even look at me 

"Yeah, back in our Cerberus days since I was out of control (y,n) found out I loved music and our agreement was that he let me sing from time to time and I stop hacking or messing with the system," Yun said 

"I decided that a talent show every month would be a good idea" (y,n) said 

"We made some kind of band, with me at the drums, Yun as the vocalist, James in the bass guitar and well (y,n) as the guitar player," Raven said 

"You may want to hear this Ela" Yun took out her phone 

After listening to what she wanted me to hear...I was speechless, I still couldn't believe the idiot I have for boyfriend is so skilled with the guitar. I dreamt of playing the guitar someday but never followed that dream because no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't.

"That seems like it could lift other people's spirits!" We heard Six voice and we got scared and Yun almost dropped her phone. You usually come to the lab to work on your gadget but we listening to music instead.

"Oh Six we were just waiting for James to finish talking to Mira" (y,n) said 

"This is a place to work not to socialize, but I'm also interested to know about this band of yours so how about to play something for the others?" Six said 

(Y,N) PoV  

I was so embarrassed that now I have to play the guitar again, I'm pretty sure Raven will deny that request so I have nothing to worry about.

"You got it, boss!" Raven said and my eyes widened in surprise then James came 

"What's happening?" He asked 

"We are making a comeback" Yun proudly said 

"Sure whatever...but you are helping me because I want to built this as soon as possible" James said 

"Deal!" Yun said 

Six was leading us to the outside part of the building and gave us some time to prepare, I didn't know we have instruments in this HQ. I didn't want to play the guitar anymore because it reminds me of my mother...she was the one who supported me when I wanted to play the guitar when I was a kid and now that she is not here well I don't know if I can do it. 

"Hey guys, I'll take (y,n) for a second" Ela said as she pulled me aside 

"You don't seem so happy about this...just tell me so I can do something about it, I would really like to see you play the guitar but I support you no matter what you chose," Ela said.

I smiled because she sounded like my mother and blushed because it was my girlfriend who said that and without the word 'idiot' I took a deep breath and went to the stage again...I just needed someone to say that. I'm glad Ela said it.

"Go get 'em, tiger" Ela said and I chuckled 

"Are you ready?" Yun said and I nodded 

After the show everyone left with happy faces, This is what Six wanted I supposed. We put everything in its place and went to eat, I was expecting Ela but she didn't appear. Later I got a call for Six and I had to go to his office 

"Nice show today, I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed it but now back to business. I want your opinion on something" He said and then pointed at two folders on his deck 

"New operators?" I said while taking a sit. I saw the folders and I think Iana and Oryx seem that they could be a good addition to the team, especially the girl...an hologram that could be controlled is cool. 

"Tomorrow I'll bring them in and since you are free I want you to show them the HQ" Six said and after that, I was free to leave.

I went to the cafeteria hoping to find Ela but she wasn't around so I decided to grab a sandwich. I went to my room and when I entered I saw the green-haired woman laying on the bed, she was drawing something, she turned around and when she saw me she sit down.

"Sorry for disappearing out of the blue, I had an idea after the show and I wanted to draw it," Ela said as she took the sketching wallet and showed me what she was doing.

"I'm still working on it" She added. 

Her drawing was just a sketch but I could see that she was drawing a rock band, I suspected those people were me, James, Yun, and Raven. I smiled and took a seat right at the edge of the bed.

"I brought you a sandwich, just in case you haven't eaten," I said 

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot! thanks!" Ela gave me a kiss on my cheek 

"Well, are you going to keep working on that?" I asked her and she nodded 

"Well I'm going to sleep so make sure to turn off the lights," I said 

"Yes, Sir!" Ela said

"Are you going to turn them off?" I asked her again

"I WILL! go to sleep now you idiot," Ela said and I chuckled then I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep 

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