Chapter fou- 5 (we be stuck in the fridge)

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So one day the whole gang came over to check up on the house and it's condition...oh yeah- and Giorno too. It seems like most of the furniture that was there had been changed into an animal but some of them had changed back. 

Giorno had been stripped away of being allowed to drive anything until he took a drivers test and passed. He mostly took his time up in his room doing nothing. The police did show up a couple times and Bruno was charged with lots of money. Fugo had to drive back and forth during any certain thing. There wasn't anything that he could do...after the big incident that just happened a couple days ago. Abbacchio was still pretty upset for Giorno leaving his so- i mean friend...yeah friend..not son or anything.

Narancia was trying his best to cook for everyone in the house. Mista was too busy watching the TV. It's only been a week since they had moved in with Giorno and watched over him. From the looks of it, it was getting worse. But hey- free cats made out of chairs. How could you not love it here.

Fugo was getting worked up since Mista kept teasing him over Narancia as he sat doing his math homework that he forgot to do that Fugo had given him a couple days ago. Fugo took a deep breath and sighed.

"What does it matter to you?"

"C'mon dude. You guys are P E R F E C T for each other."

"But Giorno is for you too so why're you backing away?"

"I-I do not like him."

"Your stuttering says other wise, stupid."

"Don't call me stupid! You're just a nerd."

"Maybe because I'm actually smart compared to your stupid brain."

Giorno came down the stairs, looking at the commotion and taking the last of the food out of the fridge sitting down and eating it. Abbacchio glared and just sat with Bruno on the couch. Narancia looked up and smiled.

"Bro- this is your chance!"

"Chance to do what?"

"Are you really that stupid?" Narancia stood up. "C'mon...."

Mista's face started to heat up. "No."

"Then get in the fridge."


"You heard me. Get in the fridge."


"Four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four, four-"

"Okay fine! Just shut up. You're annoying."

The fridge was huge....Like tall and wide so at least three people could fit in it, and it hand on of those locks on it for some reason. Fugo noticed and he smiled. 

Mista had already piled himself into the fridge, shrugging his shoulders. "Is this what you w-"

And then Giorno was sent flying into the fridge with him, the fridge door shut and Narancia took one of Fugo's hair clip pins and turned the lock shut, laughing.


"No freakin' way, this is great!"

"Hopefully they freeze to death.." Abbachio muttered. Bruno just sat, placing his face in his hands trying not to laugh. 

Fugo took back his hair clip, putting it back in his hair. He wasn't even mad, he just smiled. It seemed like Giorno was still eating since Mista was yelling at him to stop eating and help them escape the stupid fridge. It also seemed like Mista tried to...shoot the fridge? Everyone ducked as a few bullets went whizzing past their heads but they continued laughing. Mista was yelling loud curses. He had run out of bullets luckily and everyone fell over laughing more and more.

This had gone on for at least an hour as everyone just sat watching the TV with Mista and Giorno still stuck in the fridge.

"Can someone hand me some more food. I ran out." Giorno said.

"Not until you kiss him"


So now everyone is screaming their heads off


And yeah. Giorno blinked from inside the fridge and looked up at Mista. "I need more food. Help."

Mista knew he was dying to but he ignored it. "You can starve for all I care."

"But I need food."


"And it's cold, idiot."


And then a loud scream came from inside the fridge and Giorno kicked the door open and walked over to the pantry, grabbing some snacks.

"Did you do it?"

"Mh- yeah."

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