Chapter IX

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Everyone in the room shot their heads towards the exit/entrance to the office. Henry hid his smile when he saw Bendy leaning on the wall. Sammy got up and grabbed his axe, Jack hid in the toilet... again, Norman stood up, and Henry stayed sitting down.

"What are you doing here, demon?" Sammy growled.

Henry could tell that Bendy was looking at him even though his head was pointed to Sammy. "Oh, I just heard you guys talking about Alice and I wanted to drop in." Bendy shrugged, still keeping an eye on Henry.

"Well, you heard what you wanted, now go before I rip your head off." Norman crossed his arms. His eye light staired daggers into Bendy.

"Your always no fun, Norman." Bendy faced his head towards Norman, giggling to himself.

Norman's speaker growled and he took a few steps towards Bendy. "Leave. Now!"

In the blink of an eye, Bendy grabbed Norman's neck and held him up in the air. "I'm the one who gives orders around here. Got it?!"

Sammy held his axe tighter, "Let him go!" Bendy growled at Sammy.

"I'll rip both your throughts out-"

"Bendy, set him down." Henry stood up. Bendy looked at Henry before throughing Norman at Sammy. Luckily, Sammy caught Norman so they both don't fall down.

Bendy backed up and leaned against the wall. Norman shot a glare at Henry then at Bendy. There was a long silence until they all heard groaning from outside.

Norman walked over to the exit of the office and stepped out. Soon, he was covered by searchers attcking him.

"Norman!" Sammy called, picking his axe up again and ran to the attacking searchers. Bendy ran over aswell ramming into at least three, slamming them into the wall turning them into ink stains on the wall.

When the searchers where gone Norman fell on the ground with a loud, thump. Everyone ran up to Norman except Bendy.

Sammy shook Norman valiantly teying to wake him up. "Norman get up! Get up, please!!" Sammy sounded like he was about to cry.

They could hear a raspy groan come from the speaker on the Projectionist's chest. "You're ok! Thank god!" Sammy hugged Norman's chest

"I don't think 'ok' is the right word for it." Norman said. His speaker was a little more glitchy but could still be understood.

Henry smiled seeing that Norman was ok. Sammy let go and helped Norman up. Norman struggled to stay up a bit but managed to stand, needing a little help by leaning on Sammy.

"If we can, I'd like to ask why the little bitch called an angle, make Henry get the hearts immediately. She can't be doing it for a good reason." Bendy sounded annoyed. Not like it's a big surprise though.

(Heya peeps! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I had to catch up on a lot of stupid school work. I'M SO SOWWYYYY. 463 words btw)
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