Birthday Ball

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"Artemis...your eye is glowing." She quickly slapped a hand over both of her eyes, "Is something wrong?" She could hear the princess' concern.

"Fascinating..." Artemis peeked through her fingers and Varian grew more intrigued that the glowing stopped once she was away from Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel, come stand next to Artemis again." The princess obliged the odd request and once again Artemis' gold iris glowed.

"It's like it's reacting to you, Rapunzel."

"Maybe it's reacting to the sun drop's powers?" she suggested, "I mean it's completely possible." Artemis felt out of place now, and really uncomfortable to boot.

"I want to go home now..." his friend's choice of words left him feeling disheartened, he'd been planning this surprise for weeks, and now all she wanted to do was leave?

"We can't leave, not yet."

"Varian's right, he planned this whole party on his own...well...mostly on his own." They stepped aside, revealing her mother, the brunette woman had aged some in the last 7 years and she had small grey streaks running through her hair.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." The petite blonde sprinted over to her mom and gave her the biggest hug, "I just helped with the decorating, it's Varian and Quirin who deserve most of the praise, well them and the Princess, she seemed so excited to meet you, apparently Varian talks quite fondly." The boy blushed again in embarrassment.

"Are you ready for your birthday, Artemis?" it was strange the princess would act so familiar towards her when they'd only just met, but perhaps that was just who she was.

"Today, is all about you Artemis, we've got so many fun things planned, this is going to be so great!"

"Let the party begin." If the younger blonde didn't know any better, she'd swear she heard music coming from somewhere. Shrugging it off she followed after Cassandra, Eugene, Varian, and their parents.

"So, what's first?"

"A dress fitting."

"What?!" the last time she'd had a clothes fitting had been a disaster, "It's all leading up to the final present."

"Mama, I don't know about this..."

"Relax, dear." She sighed as Rapunzel practically shoved her into the tailor's shop, "I leave her in your capable hands, princess." Rapunzel grinned as the two girls disappeared, the rest of the group apart from Eugene, Varian, and Cassandra left for the palace.

"13 is something to celebrate, I just hope she doesn't get overwhelmed."

"She'll be fine, what could possibly go wrong? Besides, the princess insisted." Delilah smiled at Quirin as they followed the rest of the group to the palace.


Inside the dress shop the woman in charge had spun Artemis around so many times she thought she was going to be sick. "Such a thin waist, you'll attract a fine husband." The young girl turned a deep shade of red at the comment, "Especially with such a pretty face." She then turned and walked into the backroom, Artemis heard shuffling and the rustling of fabric and felt her anxiety rise.

"So, Artemis, Varian tells me you are quite the artist, with brains to boot?" she tilted her head to the side, curious about the choice of conversation.

"I suppose He's not wrong, though I'm not up to par with Varian's brain, but I try to keep up." The blonde girl grinned, making the raven-haired boy blush at the compliment,

Sunlit Moon (Varian x OC. Complete! [sequel cancelled for now.])जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें