S1 EP 3

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Chaewon grabs your arm and starts walking a bit forwards than Changbin, and stays in the middle of you two. She walks with you all the way to your house.

Chaewon: *to Y/N* "If anything happens, i'm just a call away. I'll make sure to break his arms if he touches you! That rat.."

Changbin: "I exist you know that? Now get lost"

Chaewon: *turns to Y/N* "Just a call and i'll be there, byeeee!"

Chaewon proceeds to skip away while waving. You wave back and Changbin has his hands in his pockets. He turns to you.

Changbin: "Lets go in then.."


You enter your key and open the door. Changbin gets a phone call unexpectedly..

Y/N: "Who is it?"

Changbin: *silent and walks into the house with the phone in his hand* "What?"

Y/N: *in your head* (Even when he's not angry he still sounds so cold..)

Changbin: "Whatever... bye"

Y/N: "So.. who was it?"

Changbin: *ignores the question* "About the project.."

Y/N: "Oh! Yes! We have to....."

You and Changbin work on the project together in the living room. Time passes and its already 8 pm.

Y/N: "Hmm, we only need to work on the circuits and then we're basically done!"

Changbin: *hesitating* "C-can i ask you something.."

Y/N: "Go on.."

Changbin: *slams hands onto the table and leans in forwards* "Can you teach me how to be a good student?"

Before you can answer, the entrance door is kicked open and Chaewon enters the room. She has a video recording device clenched in her right hand and her phone on her left. She walks forwards and glares at Changbin.


Y/N: "Chaewon?! What are you-?"

Again, before you could finish off your question, Chaewon lunges as Changbin and they get into a heated fight. You try and pull Chaewon away but she keeps on pulling away and fighting Changbin.

Chaewon: *punches* "I'LL BREAK YOUR ARMS!"



Chaewon: "Back away Y/N! I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

Changbin: "I already go school, i don't need more lessons, especially from an idiot like you!"

Chaewon: "That's it!" *starts kicking*

Y/N: *gets in the middle* "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!"

Chaewon and Changbin, bruised and sweaty, stops fighting. Chaewon stands next to you while crossing her arms and glares at Changbin. Changbin still has his fists up.

Y/N: "This was all just a misunderstanding! Chaewon, why where you spying on us?"

Chaewon: "I was worried for you. I thought..."

Changbin: "Well you thought wrong then!"

Chaewon: *puts her fists up again* "Wanna have a second round? I don't wanna stop until that pretty face of yours is all bruised and bloody!"

Changbin: "I would take the compliment if you weren't so aggressive!"

Chaewon tries to lunge forwards at Changbin again but you step in front of her. She pushes you on accident and you land on top of him instead. Your cheeks turn pink and you blush.

Chaewon: "Y/N! I'm so sorry!" *lifts you up*

Changbin: *smirks* "Again? My abs? It seems like you have an obsession with me and my body"

You blush even more. You're red like a tomato. Chaewon quickly takes you to the bathroom to calm down.

Y/N: "Chaewon!! Why did you do that?!"

Chaewon: "I said sorry so many times! It was the only word i said while we were going up the stairs! Please give me mercy!"

You wash your face with water and Chaewon heals her bruises. You two say nothing the entire time. Chaewon breaks the silence first.

Chaewon: "So... what were you and Changbin doing anyways? Why did he slam the table and get close like that?"

Your mind flashes back to earlier today. '...I will ruin your life..' You're too scared to tell so you say nothing. Chaewon goes silent too. When you finish you unlock the door and Changbin is standing there with the smashed project in his hand. His eyes looked sad like a puppy's.

Y/N: *in your mind* (Aww, look at him. He looks sad like a puppy. Cute.. argh! I shouldn't be thinking this!) *shakes head*

Chaewon: *stands in between you and Changbin* "What do you need?"

Changbin: "This happened.."

Chaewon: "This is your fault! If you kept your distance, then the project would be fine!"

Changbin: "If you minded your own business, NONE of this would've happen!"

Y/N: "Stop it already! Lets just start from scratch. We have the whole weekend to finish it.."

Changbin: "I'm staying over, we need to finish it asap."

Y/N: "Why? You busy tomorrow?"

Changbin: "Yes.. We need to finish it today or we'll both fail and get a detention!"

Chaewon: "Hold up! You're gonna act as if i am not here! There's no way you're staying at MY best friends house! If you are then I'm staying over too!"

Changbin: "Again! Just mind your own business you damn fool!"

Y/N: "And stop getting into fights!"

Chaewon: "OKAY! Sh1t! Ya'll don't need to make ME look like the baddie, Changbin clearly is"

Y/N: *sigh* "Chaewon.."

Chaewon: "What? Its the truth.."

Changbin: *eyeroll* "Lets just finish this stupid project anyways.."


You, Changbin and Chaewon all work on the project. It takes longer to complete because of the smashed bits and broken electronics. You and Chaewon fall asleep on the couch. Changbin works on the project himself.

Changbin: *softly* "Hey- hey Y/N.. wake up.."

Y/N: *drowsy* "What Chang.. bin..?..."

Changbin: "Do you know where the spare battery is?"

Y/N: *still drowsy* "Bat..tery? What's.. that? Is it a bat called Terry?""

Changbin: "No, its for the circuit"

Y/N: "Circus? I like circuses!" *starts humming the circus theme music*

Changbin: *in his mind* (Its like Y/N is drunk when shes sleeping..) *looks at Chaewon* (Chaewon's out cold, i forgot how cute she was when she was sleeping..but of course..) *looks at you* (I have a cuter toy to mess with..)


EP 4 might come out tomorrow, it depends how i feel!

Current Word Count: 1012

Idol School | Changbin/Felix x (Y/N) FFWhere stories live. Discover now