Chapter 34

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The performance studio looked much different with the black curtains pulled together over the mirrors and chairs set up. The dancers had set up lights to illuminate the stage, but the rest of the room would be dark after the house lights went down. Red and black ribbons hung from the rafters over the stage, low enough to tease the dancers and add a dramatic effect to every performance. Isa was excited to see how many people were attending, and more were coming. She had made up her mind that her company would be one of the sponsors of the studio because she wanted to see her three favorite dancers happy. She had grown closer to Jisung, and as a result, Minho had become pretty important to her as well. Hyunjin was also becoming a regular part of their group whether they were out dancing or having pizza and playing games at Felix's place.

She wanted to see this happen for them. She had reached out to the owner of the studio and found out where they were financially and what they actually needed to happen. She contacted a few of her larger clients and called in some favors to get more eyes on the studio. Hyunjin had filled her in that the studio was in worse shape than they had let on. He really didn't want Felix to know just how bad it was, and neither did Minho. Isa thought that was a good idea.

The studio was standing room only and Felix was a mess of nerves when Isa found him in the dressing room. She kissed him sweetly, tousled his now bright red hair a bit more and whispered, "Baby, you're going to be amazing and God, I love the red. I'm going to wish the other guys good luck then I'm heading out to meet the group. A couple of my clients are even here." Felix smiled brightly, feeling a little of his stress lift knowing that all of his friends were there to support them.

Isa popped up behind Jisung's shoulder, smiling brightly at Minho as he finished up his stage makeup. "OOOH, your man looks like a snack!" she teased Jisung. Jisung laughed and Minho rolled his eyes but smiled. "Just came to wish you good luck," she smiled, kissing the top of Minho's head so she didn't mess up his face.

"Thanks, Izzy," Minho smiled. She kissed Jisung on the cheek quickly and darted off to find Hyunjin.

She found him in the classroom with Seungmin. Hyunjin was sat on the floor with his legs folded and his head down. Seungmin was rubbing his back and speaking softly. Isa looked to Seungmin, her brows knitted in concern. Hyunjin looked up when she walked closer and smiled softly. "Hey, Izzy. I'm a little nervous," he said with a quiet laugh.

"Aw, Hyunjin, sweetie, you're going to do great!" Isa assured him. She snuck in beside him and hugged him tightly then kissed his head as she had for Minho. "Take a breath and relax. This is going to be amazing," she finished with a bright smile which got her one in return.

Seungmin smiled up to her and mouthed, "thank you."

Isa smiled and nodded, stole a hug from Seungmin, then headed out to meet Amy and the others. "I've got a seat marked for you Minnie. See you out there!"

As Isa made her way to her seat to meet the others, she spotted one of her clients who waved her over. "Hey, Isabel! I brought someone I thought you should meet. This is Eric. He's a good friend of mine and also runs a dance studio. He's looking for some interesting opportunities, so I invited him to come to see what he thinks."

"That's great, Jae! Thank you for inviting him and thank you so much for coming today. It's so nice to meet you Eric," Isa hugged Jae briefly and reached out to shake Eric's hand.

Eric took her hand in both of his and smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Jae has told me a lot about you and your work. I'm really looking forward to this!"

"I hope so!" Isa smiled. "If you'll forgive me, they're going to start shortly, and my seat is up front, so I'd better get going!"

"We'll talk later, Isa. See you!" Jae smiled and waved.

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