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The princess wandered the royal gardens aimlessly. She was bored. Her father was in an important meeting she apparently "couldn't come to", according to him, and she found nothing interesting to do. She had somehow ended up here, in the gardens, her favorite place.

She hummed slowly as she made her way through patches of roses of all colors. Her hand brushed against the silky petals absentmindedly, making sure not to prick her finger in one of the sharp thorns her father warned her about.

"Gabrielle! Sweety, where are you?" she heard the voice she dreaded most.

Quickly, she hid behind a particularly big rose bush, quietly peeking over it. Not long after, a tall, slender woman walked into view. Her soft, golden locks flowed over her shoulders framing her rosy complexion, while her gorgeous blue eyes glanced over the flowers, in search of the princess. The crown that adorned her head glinted in the sun and the tiny princess nearly scoffed at the sight.

Any other person would look at the queen and see a beautiful woman with a kind and understanding heart, searching for her stepdaughter worriedly, yet the princess knew the truth. Under the pretty exterior lied a rotten heart. Her charming smile and kind eyes only a carefully constructed facade that seemed to fool everyone else.

So, she remained hidden even after the queen called for her several times. Only when the woman left did she let out a small sigh of relief. She sat down in the green grass with little care for her dress. She took a moment to look around and suddenly, she let out a tiny squeak of surprise.

There, in the grass, a couple of feet from her laid a boy. She couldn't see his face clearly, but he seemed to be sleeping. Curiously, the princess made her way towards him. He had chocolate brown hair and tanned skin, filled with freckles around his cheeks and nose. He wore servant's attire, showing his occupation.

The princess wondered what he was doing there, yet didn't have the heart to wake him. So, she carefully tried to get back, but a tiny voice stopped her.

"Who are you?" the boy asked, clearly having woken up mere seconds ago.

The princess turned around, her gaze falling on the boy's face, only to have her onyx eyes met by a pair of unnaturally golden ones. She stared at him for a while before a tiny shy smile formed on her lips.

"Gabrielle. But some people call me Snow White," she answered quietly.

The servant boy grinned back.

"Nice to meet you, Gabrielle. I'm Cedric."

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