Worldwide secretes

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"Now when you get off the plane remember to go left to the parking lot. It's on the second level and its a black jeep. The keys are hidden under the car.-"
My mom could ramble on and on. Over the years I've learned to cut her out. We were waking through the airport searching for my gate. We would be boarding soon and I was eager to just sleep. Even though I took a nap before coming, I was mentally exhausted. All of the planing and explaining has shredded me to the bone. Finally we reached the gate and my mom was done with her "reminders" as she calls them. First class was boarding at the moment.
"Mom, thank you so much." I said while leaning in for a hug.
"No problem, I hope you have a great time and I'll see you in a few months." She murmured
She then kissed my forehead as the flight attendant called second class.
"Goodbye, love you." I sighed while giving her a soft smile.
"She blew one last kiss at me and then it was my turn to board. This was going to be a long flight.
When I got onto the plane, my seat was right behind first class which was great. I sat down and organized my purse and bag. All kinds of people passed by me. One little girl ran right up to me and hugged me. She had light blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Her face was perfectly sculpted and her lips were a bright pink. I wasn't sure exactly what to do so I hugged her back and then she quickly ran back to her mother. Finally a younger man about 20 years old showed up as my seating partner. He had chestnut brown hair with golden highlights. It was spiked up. His eyes were a jade green that shines when the light hits them right. His jaw line was perfect and lined with scruff.
"Hi, my names Michael." He announced
"Hey, I'm Scarlette." I said while standing up so he can get to his seat.
He stared at me for a few seconds then proceeded to sit down. I sat down after him. Our seats had movie screens on it so I started to mess with it. Before I knew it we were flying. I watched identity thief and the heat. By the time the two movies were over it was almost 12:00 I turned off the tv and layed back to go to sleep.
"We will be landing in approximately 5 minutes, please return your seats th e upright position and buckle in." The flight attendant said over the speaker. I slowly opened my eyes a tool the thin blanket off of my body. Where did I get it?
"Good morning sleepy head, I put that blanket on you last night because you started to shiver." Michael said
"Good morning and thanks" I replied
He then handed me a cup of coffee. I took it generously and stood up so he could get In. I again sat down and started to organize my flight mess. After arranging my bag, we started to descend downwards. I loved airplanes so it didn't bother me going down, but Michael was cowering in the corner.
"Don't like planes?" I asked
"Nope, not at all." He replied with a sigh
Once we landed I shot yo eager to get out of this plane. As I was leaving I turned around and thanked Michael for everything. I exited the gate and turned left, just as my mom said, and headed to the parking lot. I pressed the elevator button and stepped in. Nobody else was in the there. It closed just as I pressed the second level button. Almost immediately I found the jeep and the keys hiding under it. Like my mother said the gps was on. It was a nice car. Two cup holders in the middle of the two front seats and a plug in to charge my phone. I turned on the car and let down the cover. Then plugging in my phone and turning on the music and began to back out.
"Turn left in 1 mile"
I turned onto the long winding road that was lined with a thick forest. My music was pumping to the song Blank Space by Taylor swift. I began to sing with the music
" so it's gonna be forever
or its gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex lovers
They will tell you I'm insane
But I love the players
And you love the game." I sang with no care in the world. After awhile the song was over and chandelier came on. It was getting dark by now and I was worried. Still driving down the twisted road. As I was coming around the curve a deer jumped in my way. I screamed and slammed on the brakes. My car swerved right off the road and began through the forest. I kept pushing and pushing on the brakes but they weren't working. All of a sudden the car smashed right into a tree. My head whipped forward and I hit my cheek bone right under my eye on the steering wheel. I lifted my head slowly while I rubbed my neck. The car was completely recked. I kicked open the door and hopped out. I stepped a few get back to take in all the damage. That damn deer! I grabbed my hair and turned around to face away from my mistake. I then turned towards the street and started to jog towards it. Once I got there I grabbed a stick and planted it into the ground to mark where the car was. I then opened my phone and dialed Tanja's number. Her voicemail came up.
"Shit" I exclaimed
I began walking down the road. I kept turning around to see if anyone was driving up from behind me. I eventually stopped searching and just kept waking. After 30 minutes of no help, I just stood and waited. Nothing happened, nobody came by.
"Well is this just a surrender sort of deal" a voice sounded behind me.
I froze in that moment. My hands became very sweaty and my heart began racing in my rib cage. I could say or do anything. All I had were my thoughts.
"Because it's a shitty way to end a try"
The second time he talked I was able to move. I swiftly turned around to see a tall handsome man standing a few feet away. His hands were tucked away in his pockets and his legs were crossed. He had curly chestnut brown hair that framed his pale face. His eyes were a light jade green. Every time he smiled they seemed to have a tint of red. I stepped back farther onto the road, scared for my life, but he just came closer. Finally he was standing right in front of me, swiftly I jumped up flinging my legs in the air and kicking him in the chest, he barely budged, but I wasn't going to stick around to wonder. I was sprinting down the road. I didn't dare look back. After 5 minutes I started to slow down to a jog. I finally built up the courage to look back, but nobody was there. Then all of a sudden I ran right into something. It sent me down to the ground. I moaned as I hit the cement and roiled over onto my stomach. My head aches so bad and it seemed as if I have gotten a thousand more cuts all over my body. I looked up and saw him standing there. How could he have gotten here so quickly. Shaking off the thought, I got up quickly and began to turn the other way when another boy with beach blonde hair and crystal blue eyes stopped me. He was wearing ripped blue jeans and a red polo. Before I knew it there were 5 guys standing around me, including the first two. To my right was a rather darker guy that had crazy black hair and brown eyes. His jaw line was sharp and he had a bit of a beard growing. He wore a leather jacket and black t-shirt with some dark blue jeans. To my left were two guys.!one had longer brown flowing hair with a cheeky smile. That one was wearing a stripped t shirt and sweats. The other one had brown hair, but it was more like a buzz cut. His side burns extended to form a little scruff on his chin. His eyes were also brown.
"Hello lovely" the curly haired one said to me.
I gave them a quick smile then bolted in between two of them. Thinking I got away a small smile began to enter my face. Then all of a sudden the curly haired one appeared again. He grabbed me by my neck and threw me into a tree. There is no way he could be human by his strength.
"Not exactly the brightest idea to run. Now is it?" He stated
I yelped in pain as I rolled over. My felt as if someone shad peeled all the skin off of it. I touched it and it was bleeding. He walked over to me and picked me up off the ground by my neck. I shaking immensely now and tears were spilling endlessly from eyes.
"Oh we're just having a little fun aren't we?" He asked
"Please stop" I pleaded
He laughed at me and pushed my head to the right. I closed my watering eyes and waited for another throw but nothing came. I reopened my eyes to find all boys standing behind us.
"And dear what's your name?" The blonde one asked
I didn't say anything.
"I'm sure he asked you a question and you will answer." The curly haired one belted through his teeth. I then spit in his face. He wiped it away then slapped me. I sighed at the hit. How could I possibly get even more hurt than I already am.
"Okay we don't need to know your name." He said just as long fangs began to grown in his mouth. His eyes became completely red and before i knew it he had but my neck. I felt as if my body was being drained of energy. I had no power to scream so I closed my eyes and hoped it was all a dream. I laid back and soon everything went black.

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