"Oh, sure," -Baihu replied as he showed an empty smile. He turned around and went to Bao's bed. He faced Bao's back, which just reminded him that Bao wouldn't ever reciprocate his love for him (Bao). And this thought circulated Baihu's mind all night, slowly breaking him inside.

He wanted to shout at Bao to love him back, but he couldn't. He wanted to demand his time, attention and love to him, but he couldn't. Bao is the rightful chief of their Feline Clan. He needs heirs that will continue his path. He needs women because- Weren't a male and a female a pair? If that was a case, then the thing that happened with Bao and everyone else-

His throat felt like it was being choked and no words could come out. It just felt tight. And without his knowing, Baihu was already crying.

He didn't know when he cried but he just noticed it when he felt warm tears dripping down his eyes. He wanted to stop! But he couldn't... The tears kept going like a broken faucet. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't.

His shoulders shook, and it scared him that Bao might notice. So, he held his breath instead, thinking this might calm him down. But it never did.

Bao knew that Baihu was crying. Even from the start, when Baihu kneeled, Bao already noticed those unshed tears. He hated himself for making him cry. He hated himself for being the reason Baihu cried.

After a few minutes, Bao was still wide awake when he heard the low sobs and this just triggered him. He turned around and saw Baihu's pitiful expression. His eyes and face were red from crying. He hugged the man whom stiffened at his touch. Bao couldn't help himself. He really couldn't contain himself anymore and the truths flashed pass his eyes; He really has fallen for the man.

"Please... Baihu... Stop crying..." -Bao said to him in a low tone, he cupped his face with both hands and used his thumb to wipe away his tears. Baihu sniffled and held put his hands above his and snuggled closer to his palms, sniffling. Bao couldn't handle Baihu's sobbing or the way Baihu held back with his emotions. This was truly the first time that Bao saw Baihu in such state.

He remembered the time when that elder got a hold of him, his body beaten till it turned black and blue. He saw how Baihu looked at him. Bao knew that time; Baihu was scared, angry and brave. Scared that he might lost his life; Angry that they were a step late to prevent that disaster and brave to face the eyes of the many even when he was being sullied. Right now, he only realized how much he Baihu loves him, and that moved Bao's whole being.

But, this man, someone who really loved him, was now crying because of him.

"Please, Baihu... Don't cry..." -Bao begged as he wiped the ever flowing tears as another round of tears formed in Baihu's eyes.

Being on top of him, Bao rest his left hand on the pillows while his right remained on Baihu's face. With the balance of his knees and hand, he leaned down and give a soft butterfly kiss against Baihu's eyelids. First the right, then the left, and his lips trailed the tear tracks, before eventually going down to kiss Baihu's lips. This stopped Baihu from crying any further.

Bao keep their lips in a lip lock, looking at Baihu's face before he close his eyes and moved his lips. He kissed his lips in a slow and leisure manner, turning his head a little to kiss him deeper. He suck of Baihu's lower lip, biting it gently, sucking on it, before he kiss him full again. This made Baihu a little dizzy and breathless. His tongue soon started to tease Baihu's lips as he ask for his permission. Baihu let out a low hum as he opened his mouth. Who would've thought that Bao will immediately plunge his tongue in and lick every nick and corner of Baihu's mouth? With his dexterous tongue pleasuring his mouth, Baihu sank into pleasure and gave a low groan. Baihu didn't back down and did the same thing, though his actions were a little awkward than Bao (who was experienced), Bao gave a low hum and a smile formed on his lips.

This kiss, it wasn't like that of before. It wasn't rough, it wasn't fast, and it wasn't quick. It was slow, sensual, and romantic. The two quickly melted into the kiss and let their worries fly with the wind.

Bao pins the Baihu's wrist on top of his head. His grip wasn't tight, but just enough to enclose the wrists. His kiss trailed down to Baihu's jaw to his neck, Bao look for his erogenous spot and when he found it, He started to abuse it. Licking, sucking and biting it against his teeth, Baihu squirmed and moaned as he wrapped his arms around Bao's neck. Bao's ministrations made Baihu feel ticklish and a shudder run up his spine making him moan. Bao heard it and wanted to hear more. His lips went down to trail to Baihu's chest and stared playing with the pink nipples with his mouth and fingers.

"Agh... Nggh... Bao, more~" -Baihu moaned as he felt his member sprung up in excitement, creating a tent against his small white apron before it hits Bao's thigh. This made Bao stop in his movements as he stiffened in shock. Wide eyes staring back to Baihu's eyes.

Confused, Baihu questioned him, "What's wrong, Bao?"

"I... I am scared..." 'To be fucked by you'. Bao wanted to add the last part which was the actual reason.

His insides were clenched tight. He remembered the last time they all did it. It felt good, doing it in his butt, but the aftermath really hurts. And each time they did it was when Bao was in heat, but this time, there was no heat trying to distract him from the pain or help him ease their rods inside of him. Doing it raw- IT SHOULD BE PAINFUL AH!

"I... I-" -Bao was about to explain but before he could, his lips were covered with Baihu's lips. Baihu kissed for a while before breaking away and smiling at him.

"Don't worry, I'll take the lead." To be honest, neither of them knew what the other was thinking and just made guesses. Baihu thought Bao didn't knew what to do being a top, so he just took the lead of being the bottom. While Bao thought Baihu will take the initiative to just go and insert his(Baihu) dick in his(Bao) butt.

Bao was shocked when Baihu suddenly flipped their positions and he laid there sprawled in bed, Baihu now on top of him. Their lips connected, Baihu eagerly initiating the kiss and their tongues engaged to a sensual play making Bao distracted, not noticing Baihu lifting up his (BH) hips and aligning the pink chrysanthemum Bao's cock.

Before Bao could do anything, without warning, Baihu brought down his hips, inserting Bao's dick inside him. Bao grunted and a painful expression was on his face while Baihu groaned. He didn't think it would hurt like hell if he inserted it! He saw Shuu and Bao moaning from pleasure when they take it like this ah! Why does it now when he did it?! D*** it! Such lies!


A/N: READY THE AMBULANCE! Bao's in trouble!

Furrballs: *clueless* Why Author?

Author: Uhhh.... Before his thing broke? *tilts head*

Furrballs: Wut?!!! *shocked*

Author: Why do you think those d**** need to be hard?! XD


Furrballs: Wait Author!!! The next update!!!!

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