Chapter 5

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A/n: I am currently writing this on my phone so if you see any mistakes I  do apologize. Also play the song above when told.

Kristoff, Anna, and I were on the sled with me in the back as Anna wanted to ride up front.
"So, what did you do to make the queen so angry?" Kristoff asked Anna.
"She wanted to marry someone she just met." I replied.
"Wait what?" Kristoff asked.
"Yeah, I mean, I don't see a big issue with it." Anna said crossing her arms.
"You can't marry someone you just met." Kristoff said.
"THANK YOU" I shouted
"You can if it's true love" Anna said.
"Do you know his last name?" Kristoff asked.
"Of the southern isles." Anna replied confidently as I just faced palmed.
"That's where he's from." I said.
"What's his favorite good?" Kristoff then asked.
"Sandwiches." Anna replied looking at me to say something.
"Guys shhh" I said sitting up gripping my sword, "we have company."
"What do you mean?" Anna asked.
"Wolves" Kristoff and I said in unison.
"That was creepy." Anna said before shutting up.
"Duck!" I shouted as a wolf jumped at us.
As soon it got close I used my sword, which was still sheathed, to hit it away.
"It might be better if it wasn't sheathed!" Kristoff shouted
"Working on it!" I shouted finally pulling it out.
"Oh no." Kristoff said.
"Let me guess, theres a cliff" I asked
"Yup." Anna replied
"And most likely one hell of a fall?" I then asked.
"Most likely." Kristoff said.
"Bring it on" I said.
I jumped in front grabbing Anna bridal style, "get ready to jump sven!"
"Don't tell him what to do!" Kristoff said as I jumped on him "Sven jump!"
And on cue sven did and we made it. Kristoff almost did as he was hanging on the cliff.
"I just paid it off" He said as I saw smoke come up before he started sliding, "oh no."
"I gotcha buddy." I said helping him up, "and I'm sorry about your sled, we'll replace it and you don't have to help us anymore if you dont want to."
Sven grunted and nudged Kristoff.
"No I'm not going to help them, in fact this whole thing ruined me from helping anyone again."
"But they'll die." Kristoff spoke for sven, "Have you seen (y/n)?.... fiiiiine hold up. "
"Really!? I mean uh I'll let you tag along." Anna said making me face palm.
~small time skip~
As we kept moving, it began to look like a winter wonderland.
"Woah, its beautiful" Anna said.
"Indeed I mean it's one of the most beautiful things in the world, plus snow makes wonder full treats except for yellow snow, yellow snow, no go." A goofy little voice said.
We all turned around and saw a talking living snowman.
"AHHHHHHHH" Anna and I screamed as I kicked its head off, for it to land in Anna's arms
"Hello!" He said smiling.
"You're creepy" Anna said throwing his head to Kristoff.
"I dont want it" he said throwing it to me before I through it back on his head upside down.
"Woah ok why are you all standing upside down?" He then asked.
"Hold on little guy." Anna said fixing him.
"Ah much better, now let's start over. Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf introduced himself.
"Olaf?" Anna asked as if she was having  a memory.
"And you are?" Olaf asked.
"Oh I'm Anna." Anna replied.
"Ok who's the handsome guy with the sword?" He then asked.
"That's (y/n)." Anna replied.
"Who's the funky looking donkey?" He then asked.
"That's sven." I replied.
"And the reindeer?" He asked.
"Sven?" Anna said confused.
"Oh that's makes things so much easier." He said causing me to laugh slightly.
"Did Elsa build you?" Anna asked.
"Yeah why?" Olaf asked as Kristoff took one of his stick arms and bends it.
"Did she come this way?" I asked.
"How does this work... ow!" Kristoff asked only to get slapped by it.
"Quiet sven I'm trying to concentrate. Yeah why?" He asked again taking his arm back.
"I'll tell you why, we're trying to bring back summer." Kristoff replied
"Summer oh I always love the idea of summer, and sun and all things hot." Olaf said.
"Really I'm guessing you haven't had much experience with heat." Kristoff said
"Nope but when I close my eyes I like to imagine what it's like when summer does come" Olaf said sighing.

(Play ze song)

Bees'll buzz

Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz

And I'll be doing whatever snow does

In summer

A drink in my hand

My snow up against the burning sand

Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned

In summer

I'll finally see a summer breeze

Blow away a winter storm

And find out what happens to solid water

When it gets warm

And I can't wait to see

What my buddies all think of me!

Just imagine how much cooler I'll be

In summer!

Da da... Da doo

A bah bah ba baba boo

The hot and the cold are both so intense

Put 'em together, it just makes sense!

Rat dadat dadat dadat dadadadadoo

Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle

But put me in summer and I'll be a 

Happy snowman!

When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream

Of relaxing in the summer sun just lettin' off steam!

Oh the sky will be blue

And you guys'll be there too

When I finally do what frozen things do

In summer!

Kristoff: I'm gonna tell him.

Anna: Don't you dare!

Olaf: In summer!!!

"Let's go bring back summer!" Olaf said enthusiastically after singing.
"I like this guy." I said following him
"Someones gotta tell him." Kristoff said before following with Anna.

Frozen: Warm Chills (Elsa x male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz