Chapter 4

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"Do you have any idea how close we are yet?" Anna asked as we kept walking.

"Nope." I replied bluntly, "But I do know a place where we can get warmer clothes. Follow me."

She nodded as we made our way to a little shop. This is where I go for camping supplies for my days off in the summer. 

"Care full this heel is a lil..." I said but to late, Anna already slipped and began rolling down it into the stream of water at the bottom causing her to scream.


I couldn't help but laugh only getting a dirty look from the princess making me calm down.

"You ok?" I asked.

Once we got there I went over to the winter area, which doesn't have much as Anna went by the fire. I heard the door slam open as I looked over and saw a big man covered in snow.

"Enjoying the weather buddy?" I asked.

"Totally." He replied sarcastically as he came over here as well, "Where you guys heading to this late at night?"

"To bring the Queen back to Arendelle." I replied.

"You know the queen?" He asked.

"I'm her personal guard and that over there is her sister." I replied pointing to Anna, "What about you?"

"North mountain." He replied.

"(Y/n) You ready!?" Anna shouted from across the store.

I sighed, "Yeah."

"I'm Kristoff by the way." He introduced.

"(y/n)" I introduced back.

I went over to Anna as Kristoff went to purchase the stuff.

"This will be 20" Okan said.

"What but 10 is all I got. Can't we work something out?" Kristoff asked.

"I'll give you this and no more." Okan said, removing the rope and pick ax and leaving the carrots.

"You're going to the north mountain?" Anna asked, "Did it seem magical up there?"

"Yes now if you don't mind me I have to deal with this crook." Kristoff said annoyed.

"Vhat did you call me?" Okan said standing up towering Kristoff.

In a flash Kristoff gets thrown out. I looked at the stuff he was going to buy and get an idea.

"Is this all?" He asked.

"Actually, can you put the stuff he was getting with this." I asked.

He nodded.

~With kristoff~

"No... I didn't get the carrots." He said, getting his reindeer disappoined, "But I did find us a place to stay... and its free."

They both went in there and Kristoff pulled out his guitar.

(Wasn't able to find lyrics and to lazy to pause it to write them down soo ye)

~enter (y/n and anna back to (Y/n)'s p.o.v.~

"Nice duet" I said, making kristoff jump.

"Oh its you two, what do you want?"

Frozen: Warm Chills (Elsa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now