Chapter 9:A Dream?

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Trixie's POV

Milk: hey where r u?

I rolled my eyes as I sat on the beach looking at Katya. "Are you okay?" Katya turned to look at me. She was standing with her feet in the water. Katya wanted to come here after spending the day at the school, painting. We didn't really talk much but I didn't mind that really. I didn't really know what to say anyway. "What's up?"

"Milk texted me."

"Hmm, everything okay?"

"Yeah, he was just asking where I was."

"Told him?"

"No." Katya hummed as she kneeled down and picked something up.



"Can I ask you something?"


"If the world ended today, what would you want to do?"


"What would you do, if it was the end of the world?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"A question that I want to know the answer to."

"I don't know Katya. I barely know what I want to do now and I have my whole life ahead of me. How would I be able to know if I knew I was gonna die? I have never known what I've wanted."

"You're such a sad sack."

"Shut up."

"I mean you are. You're still young Pixie, you can be happy you know?"

"Yeah, yeah. Well, what about you? What would you do?"

"Just what I'm doing now."

"Pick up shells?"

"Well, no you ass." Katya smiled at me as she walked closer to me. "I would spend it with you. Talking, laughing, even in silence."


"Just because you don't believe something or know how to handle it, doesn't mean it's bullshit Ms. Mattel."


"Why do you sass me?"

"Because I can." Katya stood in front of me and looked down at me.

"Can you?"

"Last time I checked, I could do what I wanted." Katya grinned and got on top of me, pinning me down.

"Really?" I felt my mouth go dry as I looked up at Katya. Her blonde hair was tickling the sides of my face but I could only focus on her eyes. The memoirs flooded in when I let myself focus on her touch. The slight tightness that I felt around my wrists sent my heart on a ride. Katya smiled and tighten her grip a little.



"Kiss me."


"Kiss me Katya."

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head slowly. Katya leaned down and looked in my eyes before letting her lips press against mine. I closed my eyes and let myself sink into the familiar softness of Katya's kiss. I quickly began to remember why this was my favorite feeling. Katya pulled away and I missed the feel of her, just as I did while she was away. "Are you okay?" I touched my lip and took a deep breathe.

"I just wanted to see..I wanted to understand."

"See what? Understand what?"

"Why I missed you so much. Why I still miss you."

Please Call Me Yours(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now