twenty four

55 1 0

It was now Sunday and Finn and I decided to work on our project. We were cuddled up on the couch but didn't dare let each other see our computers.

We ate lunch, and I got a text from my mom.

Mom: What time are you coming home? There's supposed to be a huge storm in a couple hours.

Me: later, I hate driving in the snow. If it gets bad can I just stay at sadies?

Mom: sure, just let me know. Love you.

Me: I love you too💖

I set my phone down.

"Finnnnnnn" I yawned.

"Milllieeeeeeee" he mocked me.

"I think my mom wants me home." I stuck my lip out.

"No, I don't want you to leave." He pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight.

"What if I spend one more night." I exclaimed and pointed my finger at him.

"I wanna spend forever with you." He mumbled, barely audible.

"What?" I played dumb.

"Nothing." He giggled.

I quickly typed on my keyboard.

We spent another hour or so typing rapidly.

"Done!" I exclaimed.

"Let me proof read it." Finn raised his eyebrows.

"No! We agreed to wait until class." I gave him a stern look.

"Fine." He put his hands up in defense. He continued typing, his face was so focused and so cute.

"Ha I'm done too." He laughed.

I high fived him. Congratulating him.

We spent the rest of the day and night watching movies from the 80s.

It was now Monday. The snow was thick on the ground but the roads were somewhat paved.

"Finn I think I should head home." I spoke out, dreading the thought.

"Aww mills you're gonna leave me here all alone." He stuck his lip out.

"Yes, you're big and tough. No bad guys are gonna mess with you." I said in a baby voice.

"But I'll miss you!" He whined.

"So will I." I whined back.

"Give me some suga." Finn said in a deep voice causing me to laugh so hard.

I got on my tip toes and pecked his lips, and he kept shaking his head, so I pecked again.

"Nope, I'm thinking more like..." he paused.

He grabbed me in his arms and dipped me and kissed me, not a peck. A real kiss, slowly our lips moved in sync. He carefully bit my bottom lip, he pulled away.

"...that" he said caressing my cheeks with his warm hands.

My hands were around his neck, I was amazed. My heart once again, seemed to be jumping hurdles.

"Bye Finn." I whined as I kissed him once more.

Sadie was in the driveway, waving at me.

I ran to her car, I looked back and Finn was waving at me. I waved back.

I got in sadies car, the smell of air fresheners were strong as the heater was on full blast.

"How was your weekend with you lover?" Sadie smirked.

"It was good, and we're not lovers." I smacked her arm playfully.

"Yeah that's why I just saw you make out, the door was open Millie!" She laughed.

"Oh my god! It was!" I slapped my forehead.

"Haha!" She laughed even harder.

"Want me to come over? I'm so bored." Sadie asked politely.

"Obviously!" I agreed.

"Bet. Let me stop at my house and pick up some clothes." She stated, turning onto her street, very slowly.

We slowed to a stop outside her house, the snow was crunching beneath her tires. She quickly ran inside, and she came out with a bag of stuff.

She got back in and left her neighborhood, mine was 2 streets over. We arrived at my house and went inside as fast as possible.

"Oh hey Sadie." My mom greeted us each with a hug as we walked into my house.

It smelt of, apple pie, "mom are you making apple pie?" My eyes lit up.

"Yes honey." She nodded.

"What's the occasion?" I smiled.

"Nothing, just practice. I haven't made one in ages it feels. I was thinking, would you like you and your friends to have a mini Christmas party?" My mom asked as she tidied up the kitchen.

"I mean, yes!" I exclaimed, Sadie and I looked at each other full of happiness.

"Good, we can do it sometime this week, Christmas isn't until Saturday so maybe Thursday? See if that works for your friends dear, will you?" She gave me a smile, I embraced her.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too," she squeezed me and let go.

Sadie and I walked upstairs, Ava was in her room playing with her barbies. I greeted her and we went into my room.

"Sadie?" I spoke.

"Yeah?" She asked looking up from her phone.

"I- I think. I'm in love with Finn." I spoke abruptly, my eyes stared blankly at the wall. My head rushing with feelings.

"Millie, it's obvious you are." She turned to me.

"I don't know if he feels the same." I replied.

"He might. But wait it out, make sure of your emotions and tell him when you  feel like it." She chewed the side of her cheek.

"Yeah. I will." I smiled to her.

The rest of our night consisted of, face masks, movies, conversations about Boys, and once again the Finn topic came up.

I couldn't get him out of my head, the paper that was due in 2 weeks kept floating around my headspace. I was nervous to read it to him, more like to my peers.

Another filler!! But I'm really excited for the ending, which is still many chapters away but I'm just so happy for you guys to see where it goes:)

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