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When I got home I took a long hot bath, hoping that it might help relieve my hangover. I washed my shoulder length hair then got out.

I looked at my face in the mirror, and smiled. I found a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt, that's what I usually wear to bed. My head was still throbbing so I grabbed an ibuprofen from the medical cabinet in the hallway and took the pill. "Millie!" My mom yelled which caused me to rub my head "yeah mom?" I yelled lightly "can you come downstairs, I need your help!" She yelled again. I ran, well I actually walked down the stairs. My mom was
Carrying in suitcases. "What are those for?" I walked towards her. "They are for Charlie, and Paige." She smiled "oh my god how long will they be here for?" I was shocked "a week or two, they would have gotten here earlier, but flights have been all booked." She sighed.

My brother and sister walked thorough the front door and I ran to them and embraced them in a large tight hug. It has been about two years since I've seen them, they live in London with my dad. "Millie!" They said their British accents very thick "Charlie, Paige." I laughed "we have so much to catch up on." Charlie ruffled my damp hair.

I winced as my head began to throb again. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of cold pizza from the fridge. I sat down at the granite island and began to eat. "Millie, what did you do last night?" Charlie smirked "nothing, why?" I lied "because, it seems like your a bit hungover." He wiggles his eyebrows "charlieee!" I yelled exaggerating the e. "Millieeee!" He mocked me. "I'm not hungover." I lied again "mmm sure." He laughed "Whatever, I'm going upstairs." I said as I flipped him off. "Mom! Millie flipped me off!" He told on me like a little kid. It's like he never left.

I went up to my room, and I forgot about the clothes Finn let me have. I do gotta say he is a very sweet boy, and I don't know how I feel about him. I can't like him because last time I ever loved somebody it was a mistake. Thanks Jacob, for ruining feelings that I'm supposed to feel and be happy about.

"Millie, millie!" My little sister Ava came running into my room "yes Ava?" I smiled "dinner is ready." She giggles and ran down the stairs. We were having spaghetti, Paige's favorite. I went down to the dining room and sat in my usual spot, on the left side, next to Ava and across from mom,
Sitting to my left was Charlie,
And across from Ava was Paige.

We said grace and began to eat. It was really good to. When we finished I washed my dish and went back upstairs. I was stalking people on Instagram, Snapchat. I've always admired those people who have the time to post everyday and still get a lot of likes. I got a text. My breath hitched as I read the name

Finnie🧜‍♂️: I hope your hangover has died down.

Me: thanks Finn, it has a little bit.

Finnie🧜‍♂️: okay well text me if you want to talk, or if you need anything.

Me: definitely;)

After I texted Finn I put on a show called strangest things. I was currently binge watching it and I loved it so much. I averted my gaze to my window. There sat a smiling Sadie, her red hair shining in the moonlight "Millie! Are you gonna let me in?" She snapped me out of my trance. I smiled and got up "what are you doing here?" I asked shutting the window "I was bored, and wanted to hang out with you." She smiled "cool. I'm watching tv." I laughed "yeah I noticed." She smiled.
"Wanna give each other makeovers?" Sadie suggested "Hell yeah!" I laughed.

I pulled out my makeup and other stuff. "Okay so I'll do your makeup first." Sadie began to apply my foundation. The cold substance being spread across my face reminded me of something, something painful.

"Millie! I told you to get in the house!" Jacob screamed at me. I resisted, we were having a bad rain storm that night. The rain beating down on me, I was soaking wet, the cold water smacking my face. I felt a sharp pain on my wrist. "What the fuck did I say!" Jacob yelled in my face causing me to flinch. "I told you I'm not going in there!" I snapped. "Oh Millie your gonna pay for that!" He yelled "oh really what are you Gonna do?" I questioned angrily. "You can't lay hands on m-" before I could finish my sentence I felt something cold and harsh against my face. It was a knife. Just resting on my cheek. My breath hitched. "Don't make me use this." He snapped the knife blade away.

I let Sadie apply the makeup, I smiled as my redhead friend worked on my face. "Sadie." "Yes millie?" She averted her gaze to me. "I love you!" I smiled "I love you too millie." She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. She gives the best hugs. Sadie saved my life! And I love her even more for that! She is my best friend!

After we gave each other makeovers we talked "So is there a boy your interested in?" She smirked "umm no." I laughed "Okay Whatever you say." She smiled. "Are you hungry?" I asked "is that even a question?" She laughed, which caused me to laugh.

We headed downstairs to find food(this is my friends and I every weekend I swear😂) "oh I forgot to tell you,
Paige and Charlie are here." I said "you didn't tell me." She rolled her eyes playfully.

I went through the fridge and I pulled out some stuff for ham and cheese sandwiches. We also decided to make chocolate milk. We got our late night snack and went back upstairs. "Sadie." I whispered "yes?" She turned her head towards me. "I don't know yet, but I feel like I'm catching feelings for Finn." I blushed "Millie. Yes!" She laughed "but I'm not sure yet, I barley even know him." I cracked a small smile "then get to know him." She said in a duh tone "yeah I think I might." I laughed.

We finished our food and milk, and turned on the television and fell asleep.

Haha ok so let's see, it's been forever since I've posted!! But I'm back!!!! I needed a break, finals were super stressful. I got out of school the 10th. It's summer break bitches!! Get ready for a lot of new chapters;) VOTE AND COMMENT!!!;;)

Cherry Chapstick//fillieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя