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"Alright class! This is going to be a paired assignment!" Mrs. Ryder yelled. "I will be picking your partners, because we all know what happens when you pick your own partners." She chuckled lightly

I lightly bit my fingernail as the teacher continued to yell. I averted my gaze to the window. The leaves were falling in the cold wind. The sun giving a warm light to the cold breeze surrounding the town.

"Millie!" Mrs.Ryder snapped me out of my gaze. "What?" I spoke "Your partners with Finn!" She stared at me hard. "Ok." I nodded. Are you kidding me? I don't want to be partners with Finn! He will probably make me do all of the work.

I looked over to Finn, his eyes were already directed at me. "You have to be kidding me." I facepalmed. "What? Am I not worthy of working with the Millie Bobby Brown?" He chuckled "oh my god Finn. I just don't want to be the only one doing all the work." I looked him in his dark brown eyes. "You won't! I actually do work too." He smiled. "Alright, my house after school?" I said but it sounded more like a question. "Sounds good. Study buddy." He winked. I laughed and pulled my book out.

"Millie. Millie are you coming?" Finn was standing in front of me. "Yes." I replied. We left the classroom and went to our next class.

People still gave me a few stares, it didn't bother me as much as it did a few days ago. I sat down in my desk, I placed my books down.

I got lost in thought, it was almost the end of class. So I decided to do the homework. Ring!! The bell rang and I along with everyone else jumped up and exited the class.

I turned my head, Finn was behind me talking with Gaten. When he realized I was looking back at him he smiled. That damn smile. I turned my head and smiled at the ground. I got to my locker and put my books in and grabbed my phone. Somebody was standing behind me. I turned around quickly only to see that it was Finn. "Jesus Finn! You scared me." I laughed. "Sorry, so are we still gonna study after school?" He looked at the decorations covering my locker. "Yeah, of course." I smiled. "Nice locker." He smirked "why thank you Finnie!" I said lightly punching his arm.

We walked into the cafeteria and found our table. We sat across from one another. "So, I was thinking." Sadie smiled. We all nodded for her to continue. "Maybe, tomorrow we can have a sleepover at my place? We don't have school the rest of the week after today." She suggested. "Count me in." I smiled. Everyone else agreed to go over to her house.

I glanced over to Finn, he was already looking at me, he saw me look. He quickly turned his head the other way. I blushed as I realized he was staring at me.

I was waiting for Finn outside of the school. The cold air hitting my face, I shivered. "Millie! Sorry!" I heard a familiar voice. Of course it was Finn's. "It's alright!" I yelled back.

We walked to my car, I unlocked it so we could get in. I put the key in the ignition, the heater was already blasting hot air. I pulled out as Finn connected his phone to my radio. He played eye of the tiger by survivor
"Goofball." I sighed and looked over at him. "You're a goofy goober!" He stuck his tongue out at me. His actions caused me to break out in laughter, my hands gripped the steering wheel.

What is happening to me? I don't know what's happening. I think I like him.

We arrived at my house, we were still sitting in the car. "I'll race you." I looked at him. His eyes lit up at my offer. "Oh it's on Millie." He glared.

On the count of three we opened the doors and ran towards my house. Finn took the lead and won. "You're too slow." He said pretending to wipe sweat off of his face. "Or you're just to fast." I smirked and walked inside.

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