"You're damn right he's all mine and if you tell him, I will destroy you,"

I laughed slightly and stood really close, "You know, I'd like to see you attempt to see that threat through. I lived on the streets. Your petty punk ass don't scare me," I smiled and then said, "Have a good shift,"

I opened the changing room door and shut it just as quickly. Ryan and Owen were staring at me with confused expressions. I pressed a finger to my lips and ushered them over to a corner. I faced the door in case Charlie decided to pop in.

"So, you meet Charlie yet?" Ryan asked and if I wasn't mistaken there was some malice behind his words.

"You mean after he pushed me? Oh yeah. Just now and you will not believe what happened," as I was telling them the story, the door opened and both Zade and Annie walked in scowling.

"I'm going to kill him," Annie hissed and I was surprised. I'd never heard her take that tone. Of course, I'd never done anything to merit that tone.

"Get in line. You should hear what he said to Quinn," Ryan said, motioning them over.

Zade and Annie joined the circle, obviously eager to hear all the gossip. I relayed again what had happened and by the time I was done, Annie, the literal ball of sunshine, looked downright murderous.

"What a self-centered bitch. Quinn, are you sure you should have threatened him back though? I mean, he is now in a contract with Master Knight and can easily get you kicked out,"

I hadn't thought of that, but I shrugged, "He can't hurt me. I've got nothing to lose in this,"

"Puh–ha," Zade sputtered, "Hello! You leave, we can't spend as much time with you. So, you definitely have things to lose in this scenario,"

Owen rested a hand on my arm and gave me a smile, "I didn't know him while he was here, so I can't speak from personal experience on that. I do know you though and I know you're tougher than nails, but for the love of God, keep your head low and stay out of his way,"

The door opened again and there stood the devil himself.

"Ken is requesting everyone at the bar now and he said to hurry because it's a first come first serve on jobs tonight,"

"What the fuck? Ken's always assigned us based on our strengths. Why would he change now?"

I stared at the closing door, "I'll give you three guesses who decided it,"

We made our way to the bar, hoping that Ken wasn't actually making it a free for all. Ken was talking to Master Cale when we walked up. Master Cale greeted Owen with a wink as Ken called our roles.

"Owen, you're floating. Zade you're behind the bar, Annie, you're behind the bar. Charlie, you're behind the bar. Quinn, you're floating. We'll switch after breaks. Don't forget that Master Matthew and Lorraine are having their announcement at ten, so be sure to be in the specialty lounge by nine-forty five,"

Owen shuffled nervously before stepping up, "Um, Ken? Today's Saturday. It's not my night to float,"

Ken frowned then checked his watch, "Damn, you're right. Sorry, Owen. Do you think you can manage tonight or do you want to switch?"

"I—I think I can manage. It's been almost five months. I'll be fine," Master Cale frowned and probably sensed what we all thought.

Owen was terrified.

Ken had worked out a system for the floating bartenders. The most experienced, Zade, Ryan, and Annie, would float for most of the night on our busy nights while Owen and I took up the less busy nights since Owen didn't like to be out in the open and I was clumsy. It always worked out well, until tonight and for some reason tonight seemed to be a little busier than usual.

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