Chapter 17 Picking Hero Names

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You woke up the next day in Katsuki's room. He way laying next to you with a peaceful expression on his face. You smiled at him before you slipped out of the bed.

After you guys arrived at the house you were assaulted. Let's just say Mitsuki was a little excited about you being Katsuki's soulmate. She talked to you for two hours before Katsuki came over and grabbed you and dragged you away and to his room where you talked for a couple of hours.

You padded down the stairs and into the kitchen we're Mitsuki was already making breakfast. She smiled at you as soon as you entered.
"Good morning. Breakfast should be done in a few." She said as she turned back to her eggs. When Katsuki walked in he looked between you and his mom.
"What's going on here?" He asked as he sat down. Without missing a beat you responded
"BEckfESt!" Then bursted out laughing as Katsuki face palmed. Mitsuki looked confused but left it alone.
I'll have to tell Mina about that one later

You walked to school in silence with Katsuki. You two walked a lot closer together than before. You chatted away to him happily while he just stared ahead and pretended not to care. But you knew he did. In reality the best part of his day was hearing you talk, but he'd never admit that. At least not yet.

Once you walked into the classroom you began looking for Mina and walked over to her desk smiling. She looked up at you and smiled back.
"Hey girl how's it going?" She asked you as you leaned against her desk.
"Oh you know. going crazy as usual." You said smiling at her. You chatted away for a couple of minutes til you had to return to your desk.

As soon as you sat down Aizawa walked in.
"Ok you guys need to pick your agencies or whatever by tomorrow. Get going." Was all he said before he got into his sleeping bag and laying on the floor. The screen came on to show the number of requests everyone got. You had over 3500, Todoroki had over 3000, and Katsuki had over 2700. You snorted

"Wait Bakugo placed above Todoroki. So why does he have more requests?" Kaminari questioned. You laughed.
"He's a bit aggressive. I'm guessing people didn't want to take on an intern that had to be chained up." You said smirking, shifting your eyes over to look at a steaming Katsuki. We made eye contact and some of the anger disappeared as you saw him relax a bit.

"It's not my damn fault they're fucking scared of me!" He retorted hotly before stalking up and snatching his list. You laughed and grabbed yours before sitting down. You skimmed through the list before you stopped on a particular name. You smiled and wrote it down for your agency. You walked back up to the front and turned it in.

"You're already done?" Kirishima questioned when you sat back down. You turned in your seat to face him.
"Yeah. I knew long ago which agency I was gonna pick." You said. You could feel Katsuki's eyes on you every few minutes. It was obvious he wasn't trying to stare.
"What did you pick?" Mina asked as she skipped over. You smiled.
"It's a secret that will be revealed later." You said smiling.

Suddenly Kaminari came over and said confidently. "Micky Mouse is evil." You all stared blankly at him.
"What it's true! If you want proof go watch some Mattpad videos." He said as he crossed his arms. You blinked again. Stared into space for a bit.
"Wtf he is!" You exclaimed standing up. Everyone was staring at you now.
"See?!?!" Kaminari yelled. While you and Kaminari talked about how Micky Mouse was evil, Midnight came in.

"Alright students! I'll be helping you pick your hero names! Get to picking!" She exclaimed has she handed out white boards and markers. You listened to the squeak of markers as you wrote yours down. You capped the marker and sat back. Once everyone was done Midnight clapped her hands together.
"Ok! Who wants to go first!" People went. You wasn't really paying attention. You only payed attention to what my friends put. Towards the middle of the class you stood up.

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