Chapter 16 Bond and Vines

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"Happy Birthday."

You hugged Katsuki tight.
"Thank you." He whispered back. His arms tightened around you. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment. He felt so warm.
"We should probably sit down or something." You suggested after a few more minutes of hugging. You heard him huff.
"Fine." He snapped lightly. You shuffled over to the couch where you managed to get him to sit down. He kept his arms wrapped around you as you leaned into his side.

You could sense something was off. There was an uneasiness and insecurity in his chest. You were about to question it before he spoke.
"I was so scared it was gonna be someone else." He whispered as he rested his head on top of yours.
"Is that why you didn't look at me all day?" You questioned smirking.
"Shut the fuck up lava girl." He snapped back half heartedly. You laughed. You could feel him smile into your hair as you felt his mood lift.

"I guess we gotta wait for awhile til you can let go of me." You said playfully.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped back. You laughed again.
"It means I have more self control than you." You snapped back. He rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." He said.

After what felt like an hour Bakugo finally moved so it was just his arm around you. Then the door cracked open and you saw Midnight peering through. You smiled at her and she immediately looked relieved. She pushed the door open and walked into the room.
"Well it looks like the bond has gotten better." She commented as she sat down across from you two.
"Do you think it's strong enough so you can let go?" She asked you two. You looked at Bakugo and he removed his arm and you scooted away so you weren't touching.

She watched you two for a few minutes. When it didn't seem like either of you were having withdrawal symptoms she smiled.
"Well you two are cleared. You guys still have classes but you should probably talk to your parents first before you go to class." She said. You two both nodded and stood up. You walked out first with Bakugo hot on your heels. When you both got out into the hallway he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into another hug before he let go.

You smiled at him and he turned away with a tch. You pulled out your phone to call your dad as Bakugo did the same. You clicked on his contact and called him. After a few rings the line picked up and you heard him answer.
"Hey firecracker what's up? The school called awhile ago but didn't give specifics." He said from the other side. He sounded worried. You smiled to yourself.

"Hey dad. Yeah look I may have found my soulmate today sooo.... there's that. It's Katsuki by the way. It's his birthday remember. He didn't look me in the eyes until lunch though which is when we found out. We have like another period so we're cleared to go to class. Just thought I'd tell you since I know how much you tend to freak out." You said to him as you put a hand on your hip. You heard him sigh but knew he was smiling.
"Well isn't that cute. Don't do anything! I don't want to be a grandpa yet." He said laughing his head off as you turned pink.

"I can't deal with your stupidity right now. I've gotta go. By dad." You said. He said goodbye and love you and all that Jazz before you hung up. You looked over to see Katsuki getting done with his phone call to. You walked to your class in a comfortable silence. You reached the door and knocked. You heard the room go silent as Aizawa told you to come in. You walked in while Katsuki trailing behind you. You ignored the stares and some knowing smiles as you sat down in your desk.

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