* . | Steven Universe

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- he's different now

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

- he's different now


He hadn't been acting like his usual self. You began to worry about his wellbeing and even went to the other gems to talk about it but the most they did was shrug it off stating that Steven is fine.

But you knew he wasn't, something very apparent about him isn't right and you wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Which leads to the situation you find yourself in now. A yell off with someone you once called your best friend. He'd been acting like ever since Connie died.

"Steven! You aren't listening to me! You need serious help! Let ME help you!" He kept holding onto his head while repeating the words 'no' over and over again as if he's a broken record stuck on loop.

"Just-! GET AWAY FROM ME!" A pink like explosion occurred, you getting caught in the midst of it and resulting in a rather harsh hit to the head.

You groaned aloud in pain and went to prop yourself up on your elbows only to be pushed back down by Steven softly.

"Oh geez, oh no what have I-this is just like-"

"Steven stop. . ." You knew you weren't going to die, you just hit your head harshly against the ground. But that didn't stop Steven from worrying himself to death.

After all, he was the reason for Connie's death a few years ago.

"No! No it's not okay! It's because of me you're hurt! It's because of these stupid powers that I almost killed you too!" Tears poured from his eyes and the most you could do was watch with concern over some small mistake he made.

"I don't want to hurt anyone anymore! I don't want. . ." He looked up from your interlocked hands and into your eyes. His frown deepening when noticing a gash across your forehead.

"I don't want to lose you too." As if on cue the yells from the Crystal gems were heard in the distance all calling out for Steven.

"Steven!" He began to looked panicked.

"We have to go. . ." You squinted your eyes curiously and went to ask him why but found yourself tensing up when his lips made contact with yours.

Your lips remained interlocked with his for a moment before he pulled away. And in an instant all your injuries were healed in a pink like glow. Sparkles surrounded your face as they healed the cut causing you to close your eyes due to the light they emitted.

"I meant, we have to leave." Steven picked you up bridal style and began to run. The shouts of the other crystal gems were growing more distant the faster the both of you two ran.

"Steven! Where are we going?" Your shouts became shaky as he jumped high into the air up until he landed on top of the hill with the lighthouse by your side.

"I know the perfect place for us, once we're there we won't have to worry about anything getting in our way."

"What are you talking about?" There was a moment of silence before Steven made eye contact with you again. He smiled.

"You'll find out soon enough, Y/n."


It's been weeks since Steven trapped you on this island. The crystal gems must not know about it for they haven't found either of you guys.

No matter how many times you've tried to talk Steven into bringing you back to your friends and family he'd get mad at you saying that they wouldn't be able to keep you safe like he can.

But the only threat you see is the one in front of you.

"Steven. . ." At the sound of his name his head perked up and he smiled brightly towards you innocently.

"What is it love?" You sucked in a shaky breath and then exhaled smoothly.

"Could I visit my family? It's been awhile since I've-"

"NO!" You jumped back startled as you saw his skin start to turn into its dangerous shade of glowing pink. The last time this happened things didn't end so well. Thus resulting in your broken legs that he refuses to fix.

". . ." You chose to remain silent as the tears were starting to force themselves out.

"Oh. . . Don't cry!" He ran up to you and immediately brought you in for a hug. Your body tense as he continued to deepen the hold without knowledge of how uncomfortable you really are.

"I'm here with you, so there's no reason to cry anymore. As long as I'm with you, you'll always be happy." As much as he wanted that to be true it wasn't.

As long as he was here, you were anything but happy.

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