* . | Chat Noir; Adrien Agreste

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- nighttime companion

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- nighttime companion


     Walking alone to your locker it came as no surprise when you were nearing your destination that a certain blonde haired teen was leaning against the metal door waiting patiently for you with his hand tucked in his pocket.

"Oh Y/n! There you are!" Going up to you with a smile on his face you shook your head at him and carried on with your business.

"Yeah. . ." Walking past him with a mundane expression you went to open your locker with Adrien still plastered your side with a smile brighter than the sun itself.

"Uhm do you want to go to the festival with me?" Grabbing books from your bag you defeatedly grabbed them and quickly shoved them in their designated places in your locker and shut the door strongly.

"Adrien. . ." He could feel a blush warm his cheeks at the sound of his name escaping your lips. He loved the way it sounded coming from you, almost like his favorite song stuck on repeat. He could never get enough of it.

"I've already told you I don't plan on going to the festival." Not wanting to take no as an answer he quickly hopped in front of you with his hands placed on your shoulders in an instant. The extra weight on your shoulders made you uncomfortable so you worked to find a way to get them off without him noticing as much.

"Oh okay okay! Then how about we just spend time together-"
"I'm busy." Shrugging off his hands you moved past him and accidentally made eye contact with a very much upset Marinette. You knew she had feelings for the pestering blonde, which is the exact reason as to why you treat him so coldly. You didn't wish to interfere between them yet the model had other plans.

"Wha- you didn't even let me finish!" Looking away from Marinette with concern in your eyes you didn't bother to look back at Adrien and even pulled out your phone so you could focus your attention on that instead.

"I'm going to be busy so even if you did finish it my answer would be no. Sorry.  . ." Trailing off at the end you picked up your pace at the sight of your mother coming into view with her car.

"See you Monday Adrien." Looking back to give him a small wave you couldn't help but feel bad for him once you noticed his depressed like state.


"Adrien you can't keep doing this!" Placing the last piece of tape over the wrapping, he picked up the small box and lifted it up in the air. The blonde gave himself silent praise at how well he wrapped his present for a certain h/c haired female that he had grown feelings for in the past year he got to know you more.

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