chapter 2

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I grinned as i stared down at my incredibly short girlfriend desperately trying to grasp the dangling teddy. chuckling i bend down my breath fanning over her neck as a placed soft kisses there. she froze underneath my touch as i  picked her up she lightly wrapped her small legs round me, gracefully running her fingers through my frazzled hair.

Carefully sitting down she straddled me smiling cheekily i flipped us over now hovering over her body. she giggled as she pulled me down kissing my nose i watched as she lowered her eyes shyly glancing up.

frowning i softly grabbed her chin her eyes raised up starring at mine tears clouding them i pressed my forehead against hers "why do you listen to them your worth so much more than what they say "slowly inching down i placed my lips softly on hers her legs wrapped round me pulling me closer as she gripped my hair. i kissed her lips harder enjoying the quiet moan as i bit her lip, gasping i pulled away suddenly realising i need to breath i kiss her neck loving the breathy moans leaving her mouth "I love you  your worth every thing to me please dont forget that"I whisper in her ear.

she giggled as she flipped us over smiling down at me "lets do something "she said "what do you have in mind" she thought for a moment a huge smile graced her face "mm the park"she bounced out the door leaving me smiling running through the door she squealed as i tried to catch her. racing towards the park she jumped on the swing closing her eyes as she felt the air rush past her.sneaking up i grabbed the chains pushing her forward ducking just in time to run under her she jumped of safely landing in my arms smiling up at me "love you" i whisper as we  stood there she leaned up kissing my cheek as she ran of admiring all the trees, catching up i gripped her hand lacing her fingers with mine as we walked back  my only thoughts thanking the stars for being lucky enough to have a girl like her.

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