Throwing Darts

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Disclaimer: I do not own Utapri. I only own my dear OCs and the plot.

I'm so sorry about the late updates... The parts I wrote got deleted. I got so frustrated I refused to go on Wattpad for a while...

Vote and comment if you want more ^^



'Awkward' is my middle name.

So during break, after that awkward lesson with Mikaze, I went back to my room to practice my dart throwing.

I had only struck an actual bull's eye once in my entire life... The rest of the time, the dart would land like directly beside that frustratingly tiny bull's eye mark or stubbornly fly far away from the target.

Even though I had been practicing for a while now, I had never seemed to be able to actually strike a proper bull's eye.

It was just so annoying, yet compelling. At the beginning of learning how to throw darts, within, the very first week, I rage-quitted. Right after that, I snuck a glance at that dartboard hanging on the wall and suddenly my hands were just twitching to go fetch the bundle of darts once more.

Sigh... I am so childish... XD

Pushing open the door to my room, I froze when I spotted Mikaze sitting at his side of the room, facing that gigantic computer of his.

I twitched.

The point of me wanting to practice throwing darts was because I wanted to relax myself from the tension and stress that Mikaze always seemed to bring upon me. The fact that he always seemed to be everywhere I went didn't help things at all!

I sighed. I could feel those calculating cyan blue eyes staring at me already.

I toook in a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself.


Respect, respect, respect...

"Hello, Mikaze-senpai!"

I forced a smile on my face as I sort of beamed at him.

Seriously, how fake could I be?!

I might as well have been pulling my mouth upwards with my hands...

My breath hitched when I noticed the slight narrow of his eyes.

I knew I wasn't all that sincere, but would that be a legit reason for him to punish me???! O_O

I let out a soft sigh of relief when he nodded at me in acknowledgement, before turning back to... Well, whatever he was doing.

Hurrying over to my table, I pulled open one of my drawers as softly as possible so as to not disturb Mikaze so much. I did seem to remember something about not making too much noise...

Grabbing a bunch of darts carefully, I slid the drawers close as I plopped down in my swivel chair (Wheee) and swerved about a few metres in front of the dartboard, taking care not to veer into Mikaze's 'territory'.

In case I didn't mention, there is sort of a line made of duct tape that surrounded my pitiful quarter of a room. Anything over the line was Mikaze's. The End.

In fact, I won't be surprised if I accidentally step into his territory and get zapped by deadly lasers or something.

Syo had warned me about Mikaze treating him and Natsuki like experiments at first, when they just got into Master Course.

I gulped as I sent a glance over at him, before quickly focusing back on the dartboard, squinting as I took aim and threw the dart I had in my hand.

To my surprise, it did not hit dramatically far away from the bull's eye mark, instead falling short by about an inch or so.

I felt my motivation increase almost immediately as I aimed highed and threw another dart. This time, it landed to high above the bull's eye.

After a few test throws, I was aiming at the board, my eyebrows furrowed in determination.

I can strike that darn bull's eye... Just slightly more to the left should do it...

"What are you doing?"


I promptly shrieked as I threw the dart in a panic, only to have it miss the dartboard completely and hit the floor with a sad 'thunk!'.

I whirled around in my swivel chair, only to panick when I saw that Mikaze was standing DIRECTLY behind me. He stood on top of the duct tape line.

I started to blush furiously.

My feet was tucked in underneath the chair, causing my knees to well, stick out. As I suddenly turned around, it caused my knees to brush against his legs.

I'm going crazy. Just that little contact was driving me insane.

I immediately backed up against my lovely swivel chair. Mikaze was way too close for my liking!

However, Mikaze didn't seem to notice my discomfort. He looked straight ahead at the dartboard, with a contemplative look on his face.

Looking up at him, I instintively moved backwards a bit before replying, chewing on my lower lip.

"... I w-was throwing darts, Mikaze-senpai, I'm really sorry if I disturbed you!"

I wonder if he noticed the 'Please don't kill me' undertone.

It was then he looked down at me with that usual blank stare of his. He gave a curt nod before frowning at the dartboard.

"I don't understand the point of this game."


I looked at him in surprise, gesturing for him to elaborate.

"What is there to gain if you manage to hit the mark in the middle? I do not understand."

He inquired, his voice monotone.

I sighed, as I rubbed the back of my name, thinking of a way to explain it to him. Somehow, I wasn't surprised that a person like Mikaze didn't understand why people would like throwing darts. He... just didn't strike me as a person who would enjoy such activities.

"Well..." I started.

"When people manage to strike a bull's eye, or to quote you, 'hit the mark in the middle', they'll feel like, I don't know, satisfaction? Accomplishment? It's hard, you see..."

I trailed off, noticing that there was a hint of confusion in Mikaze's usual blank features.

"You know, for me, I like to believe that if I strike a bull's eye, a wish I make will come true. Stupid, I know, but that's what makes it fun. It doesn't hurt to hope a little too."

Mikaze's lips tilted in a frown.

"Is there any evidence that your wish will come true if you strike a bull's eye?"

I shook my head immediately, wondering what was up with the weird questions.

Mikaze continued to stare at the dartboard with a faraway look in his eyes.

"I see. Thank you."

His gaze shifted onto me and I blinked, my face burning in embarassment. My eyes met his cyan ones and he gave me a slight nod before turning away, heading back to his computer.

I turned my chair so my back was facing him.

I secretly wondered what was up with those questions. Placing my hand on my cheeks, I realised that they were warm, and probably very, very red.

I soon found myself turning around to sneak a glance at Mikaze, before shaking my head profusely and turning back to focus on the dartboard in front of me.

Dang it.

Cupid might as well have snuck in just now and shot his stupid arrow straight through my heart.

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