chapter 10 : boar, Dandelion, wine /the trio

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=y/n's point of view =

We have been traveling for hours I could barely feel my legs

"are you tired yet y/n-chan? " sabito asked but then regretted before I could answer

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that y-y/n-san " he apologized earning a giggled from me

"it's fine and yeah I'm a bit tired " I lied I AM tired

Sabito then crouched " hop on" he said as I felt blood rush up my cheeks

"no i-it's fine I can mana-eh!? " I exclaimed as sabito picked me up and give me a piggyback ride

"oi stop being lovely dovey, it's getting annoying" vuana exclaimed glaring playfully at us, my blush got worse I swear I look like tanjiro's hair

The walk was peaceful ,tho sabito would occasionally fake drop me just to tease me, but I'd always shot him a playful glare

Then we stopped when we saw a guy with a boar head hitting a boy with blonde hair and orange tips who seems to be protecting a box, wait!! That's nezuko's box

I quickly jumped off sabito's back and ran to boarhead grabbing my Nichiren in the process
I blocked his attacks on the blonde and the box

=3rd person point of view=

As y/n kept fighting sabito rushed to the crying child beside the blonde who's holding the box protectively, vuana gasped and helped the blonde up, he had bruises and cuts all over his body

Their companion animals kept barking and hissing at the boarhead y/n kept fighting, after a while a familiar red head exited the house he was shocked at the scene and came to the blonde's aid


After a while y/n and tanjiro finally knocked the boarhead out , so they made a makeshift futon for him and buried the dead with the others

A few hours or so inosuke woke up from his nap
That was caused by a concussion when he saw a familiar blonde he started chasing him and kept screaming for the blonde to fight him

While under a nearby tree a pink haired boy sat peacefully, as thoughts raced down his head. He couldn't make out who to choose weather to love shinobu his current half or  the angelic girl he met years ago

"oi! Boar head stop chasing dandelion around and help us will you!! " a girl with dark brown hair and white strands yelled causing the green eyed male to focus his attention to her ignoring the blonde

"then fight me!! Round head!! "he mocked which made the girls temper burst

"alright you bastard it's on first to be knocked out wins" she challenged

"hmm... Jiro-kun (tanJIRO) can you handle boarhead and I'll handle vuana-san " a certain
H/c haired girl said

"I think I have a better Idea" tanjiro replied with a smile

" I think you shouldn't do that I mean vuana-san you've been traveling for days and inosuke you just had a concussion, I bet you're both tired" tanjiro told them both earning a shocked expression from the Two

"eh!? Me tired? No I'm not " vuana protested
Same as inosuke did

"well I don't think you both can't bury the dead----" y/n said only to be cut off by inosuke

"hah I bet I could bury more than round head can! " inosuke basically shouted

After hearing that the two competed against each other seeing who can bury more than the other
In the end no one won

Afterwards the children they rescued went home and the followed tanjiro's bird

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