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The first morning didn't last really good, they got a little fight about which breakfast they should have this morning. It happened only on Diego and Canopus, when Varushka just watched those boys fought about their own country's breakfast. Twelve thought they were wasting her time, so she decided to go back to her room and finished some things.

"Boys!" She yelled to end the unnecessary war. "I know we're in disguise, but could you please do something necessary such as training or do research?" She took the spatula on Diego's hand. "I'll make pancakes. Get off!"

"B--but..." They said stammering.

"I said, GET OFF!"

As if they left like a puppy who had been got shouted by their master, she started cooking. They had their breakfast later and went to the secret room on the secret door from the kitchen to training room.

Varushka taught them how to fight, because apparently neither of Diego nor Canopus had that skill. Twelve was still in her room with 'don't disturb' sign on it.

"How old are you Can?" She asked while taught him how to kicked air.

He lifted his right leg and kicked it then back to based position. "Twenty this year."

She moved to Diego with a simple attacking skill, "and you?"

He had great response to defended himself from the attack, "Eighteen."

She sighed and giggled. "No wonder why you fought this morning. But the question is, why your services sent reckless teenagers to us? Do we look like a trainer than experienced agent?"

They shrugged, "How old are you V? You look as young as us." Diego asked back. "And let me call you V because Varushka is too hard for my tongue."

"Almost twenty five but I've been trained since I was six, and been working secretly with the service since I was ten, and officially left my live on eighteen. What else you need to know?"

"The death manipulation? Tell us more about it!" Canopus demanded it.

"Not now," she answered as she threw two swords for each. "Fight me first."

Varushka pulled the sword and pointed on them. They posed on the basic position for sword fight when suddenly Twelve came in.

"We got a call!"

For their first mission, they had to go to central bank, and central hospital. The other team had caught a signal for planted bomb on the central bank. They knew the Bank belonged to La Blancos' deathly rival, El Poyo. The second biggest mafia boss in Italy who also had same intention with La Blancos.

The other team predicted that might be bunch of people would get injured by the accident. So the nearest team should be on the scene, find some evidence and suspects, and if they were so lucky, they would also find the planted bomb.

Twelve ordered Canopus to the hospital, made sure the medic prepared everything they needed for first aid the victims, she ordered Diego to drive a mini cooper with monitor for her and made Varushka on the first line in the scene by riding a motorcylce. It was the greatest decision she thought because everyone knew the Russian on fighting.

5 hours of waiting and spying the situation was clear enough, she's been waiting for any suspicious people that might have the same identity as La Blancos's hitmen. The bank was crowded as usual but they seemed to be normal. She walked down to a young male banker and asked if she might be allowed to check the underground, unfortunately since the Matryoshka didn't have badge they didn't allow her.

Varushka gave a polite nod and wry smile as she walked back to her seat, and when she turned around the hitmen she was waiting for showed up their ugly faces. Two tall and big muscles men went inside with a black animal skins suitcase. Her heart aching as she could remember what animal they used and that must be illegal.

One of the hitman walked to the east while the other walked straight to the customer service's desk. She watched them intimately and tried to contact Twelve to call the polices nearby. But it seemed she didn't answer her call. Varushka had little bit struggle with frustration when she need the answer, no one recall. So she walked closely to the hitman with brown leather jacket and suitcase who walked to the east.

The waiting room that had less crowded was on the east, the also had some ATM machines for those who didn't like on queue and needed immediate money. He dropped his bottom on the middle of waiting seats and put the suitcase underneath his seat. Few moments later, she sat a seat on his left and gave him sad look.

The drama begun.

"Senor!" She whined, "they didn't give me the loan but my son need it to pay his education." She made up her tear.

The hitman didn't gave any responses.

"Senor! Please I need your help!"

The hitman finally gave the mad look at her. "Ma'am, I don't give a damn about you and your son's education!"

She wiped her tearing face and whispered, "Then tell me, where did you plant the bomb?"

His eyes widely opened and took the suitcase immediately. His finger on the ear gadget that plugged in like a celebrity's bodyguard. He mentioned the codes and called his friend to leave. Varushka walked behind them as the called from Twelve came into the gadget on her ear. She was panicking because Varushka moved out of the protocol.

"Code 190, the suspects leaving the building!" She answered to the question where were she going.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Threat him! I'll gonna chase them."

"Copied!" Said Twelve. "Canopus Diego please standby I'm in to the scene."

She used her feeling to sneeze the planted bomb while Varushka rode her motorbike chasing the hitmen. They left by a van that used to be parked on the dead-end isle beside the apartment across the Central Bank. Like a cop chasing a thief, she didn't scared of any fast-driving cars that might bump or be bumped her. Her eyes was like an eagle and her hands very perfect for riding fast motorbike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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