4. piano lessons

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Krist feels someone calling his name from far, he opens his eyes ..they feel like lead but the voice asking him to get up is insistent..his dreams after such a long time was so freeing, it was him running wild through the open meadows, then he was drowning in a beautiful water with sun soaking him, he really wants never to be awaken again..

his dreams after such a long time was so freeing, it was him running wild through the open meadows, then he was drowning in a beautiful water with sun soaking him, he really wants never to be awaken again

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" Mr krist..I need to do check up on you. Please get up sir."

The surrounding dawns on him now, he is in the guest room after taking the fever pill which his mom in law forced him to have, he had slept off..he understands the doctor is here to check on him and he flinches..he doesn't want the doctor to know anything.. he had been avoiding to go for any medical visit for so long..

" I am fine doc, it's just a viral fever due to work stress. You don't have to check on me."

" But Mrs Rungroj told me you are having on and off fever since long,even your appetite has decreased . Atleast let me get your routine blood works done Mr krist."

" Doc I am seriously fine, it's just that I have been having new music album release coming next month . I have been super stressed about that. No need for any blood works.. I will surely visit you if any persistent problem occurs.. I assure you."

The doctor sighs, he understands the young man will not let him do check up..his eyes look sunken, his face pale, he is looking malnourished but he insists on being fine. Singto watches and hears everything standing outside the door..hidden from krist's eyes. He had made himself sparse from this room,  when he heard the front door bell ring signalling the family doctor's arrival.

Singto touches his own cheeks, feeling some wetness on them, he is crying unknowingly at the younger's plight.. he knows krist will never let the doctor to check him..his phi Nuwa's marks are all over, marring the pale flawless skin, ..and while flaunting his rights on the younger, Singto has not failed to notice or missed the bruised ribs or the thick blackish red mark on the lower abdomen..he knows what they are ..marks from kicks ..shoes or legs , marks which form when you get hit at those places repeatedly,.. Singto used to carry those marks too.. exactly at those places before he left his home for good.

The doctor finding no other way to convince the young man, starts writing some fever, pain medication and vitamins for him and takes his leave . While going out he bows his head to the hiding Singto, looking straight at his eyes and shaking his head in frustration,  at the young man's stubbornness.

Singto enters the room, it's almost lunch time , the younger should eat something to be able to take his medicines . Krist immediately sits up , pulling his knees towards his chest, seeing him enter the room. Remembering how he was made to moan in front of him by Nuwa , makes his ears burn and tears to trickle but he controls himself, just coils in a ball and starts to look outside , this room has the good view of his favourite part of the mansion, the endless stretch of green lawns ..

" I will call someone to get your medicines, and pls come for lunch . Then afterwards, we can go for the piano room and you can play and I can paint you , if you feel upto it."

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