To Die For

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Hope can feel the cold air as she runs around the woods in her wolf form. She feels free as her paws claw on the forest ground, and the air makes her fur move in a pleasant way. The woods around the Salvatore school are like a home to her, just like her family house of New Orleans, but without the pain that still lingers there, or the Salvatore school itself. 

She couldn't tell how many hours she's been running for, but after the day she just had, she needed it. With the anniversary of her parents deaths coming in a couple of days, Hope's emotions are a mess. However, her peaceful run quickly takes a turn for the worst when her ears picks up the loud sound of teenagers partying. 

For a second, the white werewolf thinks about running the opposite way, but then she stops herself. Instead, she walks straight to the source of the noise. Hope knows the way to the old mill by heart, so it doesn't take her long to find the party. She walks closer, careful to stay hidden to the drunk teenagers. Even in her wolf state, she recognizes some faces. Lizzie, MG, Josie, Jade... Seeing them all having fun, without a care in the world... It makes Hope feel weird. Like she doesn't belong, like she never did. 

The emotions are quick to overwhelm her, and suddenly Hope doesn't trust herself. So, she runs in the opposite direction, straight to the place she left her clothes earlier. She didn't want to hurt any of them. 


Penelope walks into the old mill an hour or so after the party started, fashionably late as she likes to say. Lots of people wave at her as she walks by them. Almost everyone already looks totally wasted or high, or even both. The raven-haired girl stops for a minute to talk to some witches before making her way to get a drink. 

After a quick talk, Penelope leaves them and walks over to the coolers. She's taking her time to choose what she's gonna get, but just as she leans to get a bottle of beer, she feels her ass being slapped.

There's a whistle. "Nice ass Park, I can see why you never leave a party alone now."

Penelope feels her blood boil in her veins. Instead of taking the bottle she first reached for, the raven haired girl reaches for a can of a sweet drink. Penelope straightens herself, and turns around to look at the girl who has an arrogant smug smile on her face. It's only then that she recognizes the vampire girl. She starts shaking the can behind her back.

"Chloe." She says simply, her voice is calm but her gaze on the girl's eyes is intense, cold.  "Let me tell you something ; If I wanted you to touch me, in any way, trust me, you would've already." 

She brings the can from behind her back, and to her front before quickly opening it and letting it splash all over the vampire girl. "Touch me without my permission again and you'll see why people call me Satan." She threatens the girl with a devious smirk on her face.
A slight panic crosses the girl's features before she vamp-speeds out of there. Penelope smirks as she's finally left alone. She turns around and quickly grabs the beer she was going for earlier. As soon as it's in her hands, she opens it and goes to take a large sip, but then a movement in the woods catches her eyes. 

She wonders if her eyes are betraying her for a second, but then she sees the wolf turn around and run in the opposite direction of the old mill. A white wolf... It could only be one person. And that realization makes Penelope smirk again, but this time for a whole different reason. 

She quickly discards the beer, and goes to follow the wolf. She almost curses when she realizes she has no idea where Hope went, but she continues walking. After a moment, Penelope can hear movement on her left side, so she goes straight in that direction. The view that greets her makes her eyes widen a little. Hope is putting her shirt on, and Penelope catches sight of a side-boob real quick. She walks out of her hiding spot, and quickly makes her presence known.

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