Chapter 13; Idina Menzel.

Start from the beginning

"Shut it and go. We'll talk about this later young lady. You're not off the hook yet." He said sternly.

He bid good bye to Ethan and filled Emily's face with numerous kisses before he walked inside where Grace already waited.

"So..." Ethan started before I interrupted him.

"Not even a word. Let's just go," I opened the door of the passenger seat of his car before yelling out for Emily.

The drive was spent in silence and was quite short considering he'd brought us to the preschool.

"Yay..." Emily squealed before setting her face in a frown "I miss  preschool and my friends."

I sighed and opened the door for us to get out. I stooped to her level and drowned myself in the exact replica of Belinda's eyes.

"Sweetheart, it's for your good, I promise. When you're better, you can come back to school and play with your friends all day." I wasn't expecting Ethan to watch this exchange but he did so with a look of curiosity plastered on that sculptured face of his.

"You promise mommy." Emily either didn't seem to notice the intruder in our exchange or she blatantly decided to ignore him and get a word out of me.

A word. A word I always kept when it came to my daughter.

"I promise sweetheart. On everything." I kissed her cheek.

Something changed in me that afternoon as I promised my daughter something I wasn't certain of while a man I was sort of in a relationship with watched us with curiosity swimming in his silver like orbs, arms crossed and head tilted to the side as he leaned across his car like he just finished a photoshoot.

Something indeed changed in me which was going to be effective on Monday.

I always kept my word to Emily. She was going to be fine and she was going to go to school again.

Which is why I mentally noted to discuss transplant options with Kenna come Monday.

"We better go inside, Elsa is waiting." Ethan said, a hand on my waist guiding me to an upright stance after which he carried Emily in his arms spinning her around causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

It had been exactly two hours fourteen minutes and twenty three seconds, yes I was counting, since Emily had been fussing over THE Idina Menzel and continuously popping out requests for her to sing any song which came to her mind.

It's safe to say I'd been shocked to my core when Ethan actually pulled through on his words and actually got the actual Elsa, for Pete's sake Idina Menzel was standing not less than five feet away from me!

I'd figured he'd get a friend to dress up as Elsa, but no... He freaking got Idina Menzel herself in the complete wardrobe of Elsa.

"Care to explain again how you got her here?" I asked the man seated calmly on the bench beside me as we watched my daughter living out her dream in the preschool playground.

"It depends." He stated as though he was telling me the forecast of today.

I scoffed, "on what?"

"If you're willing to explain why Emily isn't in preschool."

Shit! I completely forgot about mentioning Emily's medical condition and her homeschooling. He still even probably thought Emily was my biological daughter which is totally his fault seeing as he'd asked for no explanations that night.

"You really want to compare me wanting to know how you got the preschool to grant you access on a Saturday and have THE Idina Menzel in flesh singing for my daughter to why she's not in preschool? It's hardly a bargain."

"But it's what I want. It's up to you..."

"You say it so calmly like there's a storm brewing." I snapped.

Definitely not called for. I know! But the guy had his arms folded under his head and had his right foot hooked over his left, sitting like a fucking king not bothering to even spare me a glance but solely focused on my daughter. Key word: my daughter.

He was silent. Not that I actually asked a question anyway, but at least I expected a retort or some kind of reply.

I finally sagged my shoulders and looked away from him watching my daughter.

"Fine. Emily was born premature," I sighed "hole in her heart and malfunctioning lungs."


I continued "remember the first time you'd asked me out for coffee during my break and I ended up not coming to work for two days?"

That was just last week, but now it seemed it'd been months even.

He was still silent.

"She'd had an attack, nothing major but I was advised to pull her out of preschool. They said it was exhausting her out and home school would be a better option. I didn't object, what's best for my Emily, I would do in a heartbeat. What scares me though," I took in a much needed breath "her doctor thinks she can only survive by getting a heart transplant."

Just getting the words out squeezed my heart. I played with the hem of the ridiculously short dress Liv had me put on.

That was until, a warm hand descended and completely enveloped mine.

"I have a friend who owes me a favour, working for a big shot company like Veron Enterprises, you get lots of such friends. He has connections in Hollywood. It really wasn't a hassle getting Elsa here."

That wasn't the reply I expected. I expected pity, the 'I'm sorry's' and whatnots people usually gave when they found out. It was a relieve actually.

And I understood, he was after all the HR manager, he definitely had a lot of people looking to get in his good books.

He still hadn't looked at me.

"Must be one heck of a favour if it got Idina Menzel. I mean IDINA MENZEL." I whisper yelled the last part.

I saw his lips twitch and I knew he was holding back a laugh before looking far off and getting tensed as he did whenever we spoke about his job.

"Yeah. One heck of a favour." He then looked at me in the eyes for the first time since we began talking.

"I see a strong girl in Emily. She can bounce back from anything. A heart transplant wouldn't stop her. She has you by her side and you're a wonderful mom to have raised such an awesome kid. She will pull through." He said sincerely.

His words held some kind of underlying promise and I was just about to reply before I watched in horror from the side of my eyes as Emily's eyes closed on their own accord and she fell to the ground.

I was instantly up, running towards my daughter.

"Emily, sweetheart, wake up." I tried when I finally had her in my arms.

Idina looked pale and Ethan was on the phone screaming at whoever.

I was almost at the point of full on sobbing.

So much for wanting to see Elsa huh?

"Cara please, please..." I pleaded with my baby before arms surrounded me and brought us into an ambulance.

Guys!!!!!! I am so freaking happy we are almost at 1k reads and so freaking sorry for the late or rather unorganized updates.

I love you all so much for reading.

Feel free to drop your comments on what you think should happen in the next chapters to come and much love to all those who keep voting. You motivate me.

Until next time, please, please, please, do vote... It really encourages me to write.

Love Joy.

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