"Nine." She said and I was suprised. She was way to tall and feminine for her age.

"You look like your at least 12." I said as she did her technique.

"Yeah I know, good for me I guess." She chuckled and I nodded. We continued with the training, changing partners throughout. The training wasn't hard, it was just to improve our kicks.

I have to say Anna was very good. I think she has potential. Definetly. We finished training with making the little ritual,like we do before every and after every training. I said goodbye to the students group and hurried into the dressing room. I had to hurry up because Lily,Henry and Jamie wouldn't feed themselves.

Not that I left them starving, I gave James milk and all that,but still.

I jumped under the shower right there and quickly washed my hair and body. I was finished soon and wrapped a towel around my body. I slipped into my panties and put on my bra when the other girls came in.

"Hi." I said slipping into a highwaisted pair of leggins and a tight turtle neck. I put our club jacket over and made my way out of the dressing room, with my bag, after spraying on a little parfume.

"Bye girls." I said smiling and they all said a little goodbye. I hurried out and walked past Garry, he gave me a quick hug and we said a goodbye quickly too. The Dojang luckily is just about 10 minutes away from home and if I sprint I'll be there in 5 minutes at least.

I decided to sprint and I did arrive pretty early. I stopped infront of the little house and took a deep breath in. I walked up to the front door when I suddently noticed a black, nice and familiar car parked infront of my place.

I turned to the door again and opened it with the keys. I immediatly rushed to my room to sort my stuff out and put it into the washing mashine.

"Lil-" I heard James say but I kept walking because I'll be back any minute anyway. I rushed into my room,taking my dobok and stuffing it into the washing  mashine. I turned it on and then went to the bathroom to wash my hands. Two minutes later I rushed to the living area again with my head down for whatever reason.

"Yeah James?" I already called in the hallway. I revived no answer so I walked right into the living room and there was nobody. Almost. I saw a blackhaired man with my daughter in his arms. My heart made a little jump but I held myself back.

Lil he didn't protect you!

But he was in shook!

I shrugged and he turned around to face me and he looked suprised too. Lily was sleeping very soundly in his arms and she literally looked like an angel. Jamie was sleeping and Henry was awake, but quiet.

Freddie and I just looked at each other when he stood up and I took a step back. He put Lily into her crib and walked torwards me slowly. I wanted to back away, but he didn't deserve that. I gulped and decided to stand still. I looked down as he came nearer.

"Come on, sit down." I said nervously as we sat down opposite from each other. I was still looking down. I didn't know what to do.

"Lilliane, I-I ah I am sorry, really I want everything to be fine-" He started but I shook my head amd he shut up.

"I am the one who should be sorry." I said looking down onto my hands, who were playing with a little piece of paper to get distracted from my nervousness.

"Why? I-I promised you to-to-" He started but shut himself up to let me talk.

"I uhm I realised that it isn't your fault, Freddie I am sorry for giving you the fault on everything that happened." I mumbled. "I know that you were in shook and all that." I sighed.

March of the black QueenWhere stories live. Discover now