Chapter 6: Travel

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"Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve?
Whoa, we get what we deserve"

Large dark clouds lazily moved across the sky and thunder rumbled in the distance. Cold wind rushed through the empty and crumbling buildings of Tokyo. The occasional crash of a building could be heard now and then while the howl or growl of a mutated animal would echo through the abandoned city. The dry rustling of dead trees sounded like someone was saying "hush" and the splashing of stagnant water would become part of the phantom symphony.

Shuffling of eight pairs of feet added to the noises and coming around the corner with a small huff was Haku. It was getting colder as the day went on, they had made camp last night and left as soon as it became day. The mutated animals don't come out in the day, they burn if they touch the light. Sun or not. It was good for the trio when moving through the day, but bad if they had to set up camp at night. They were getting to the outskirts of the city, but they had a long way to go before they reached the ocean. It would probably take a few months at least. They were on foot and the human didn't really know if there was any cars or anything that actually worked that could get them across Tokyo. Tamotsu seemed to like walking; he was sniffing at everything and marking his territory.

Gold-blood seemed indifferent about the walk and was mostly silent as they traveled. Only talking when he needed to. He really wasn't much of a talker, that much Haku figured out earlier when asking him questions. It was a good thing Haku didn't like to talk all that much either, so it was quiet for most of the trip. Tamotsu huffed as he trotted back over to Haku, the man looked down at his friend with a smile "You're getting dirty, Tamo." He chuckled and reached down to scratch behind the dog's ear. He panted happily, tongue rolling out and to the side of his mouth.

"He seems to trust you a lot. That is a good companion to have." Haku looked over in surprise as he heard Gold-Blood speak for the first time today. He wasn't looking at Haku but was looking around, seems he was always watching his surroundings. Even taking time to watch Haku and Tamo. Haku was watching him too, but he probably made it more obvious than Gold-Blood did. The human hummed lightly and looked down at Tamo who was panting lightly, looking happy and well fed.

"I found him when I entered the city. I'm just surprised he wasn't hostile towards me. I guess...he needed me as much as I needed him." The brunette smiled lightly before coughing and clearing his throat. The Yautja didn't say anything but just nodded his head lightly and looked away. It became quiet between the two once more, which Haku didn't mind one bit. But even was nice to talk to someone who would talk back.


The next few days proved to be very tiring for the small group. There were a lot more Mutants as they moved further into the center of the city. Which should have been a bad idea, why would anyone want to go into the center of the city? They had no choice, there was really no path that lead to the outskirts of the city. All the water rose up over the years from the war. So, the center was the only route that they could go. And besides, Haku hated the water, which he knew he would need to go over to get to America. But as long as he could hold off going over the ocean the better.

Haku wheezed lightly, trying to not be too loud as he hid behind a broken wall. Gold-Blood was right next to him; he didn't seem out of breath, neither was Tamo who had his ears straight up, he was on high alert. *Curse these damned lungs.* the brunette thought as he tried not to be too loud. At least his mask wasn't as loud anymore. He could hear a good amount of mutants growling, snarling and howling. There were other sounds, but he really didn't want to think what those sounds were. They were in the center of Tokyo, Haku remembered a time where none of this was real and all the buildings were working. Beautiful lights and sounds, millions of people walking through the city, trying to get to where they needed to go. Now, it was home to these monsters and there wasn't anything pleasant about them. Or the smell.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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