Chapter 1- Wake Up

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When Haku was a little boy, he always dreamed of being a soldier.

"Stop! It burns!!"

He wanted to protect people and his country. He wanted children to look up to him and say "I want to be like him when I grow up!"

"He's flat lining! We need a defibrillator shock now!"

When Haku first joined the Japanese military, he was ecstatic. Beyond happy. He would be protecting his country. He would be useful.

"Haku, I know it hurts. But it will be for the good of the country."

Haku didn't want this anymore. He didn't want the pain, the burning sensation of chemicals going through his veins. The feeling of his body literally breaking down and regenerating again. It was mind numbingly painful. He hated it. He hated what his country is turning him into. He saw what the others turned into. Monsters. Misshapen things that were once human. Their bodies mangled, skin an entirely different color, faces warped into something horrific. Haku hoped he didn't turn into that, hoped that his body didn't turn into that. But with the chemicals pumped into his body and the pain he felt, he wished he did. He wished he did turn into that monster so he could die and be gone from this pain. The way his body tore itself apart and came back together was beyond excruciating. But, as time went on, as the months went by, maybe even years. He had learned to get used to the pain, to put it in the back of his head. He learned to be numb.

His lungs were constantly breaking down and regenerating, to the point it was hard for him to even breath. They gave him a special gas mask that used his own smoke-the way his body broke down looked like smoke or gas- to have him breath properly. It didn't stop the way his lungs kept dying inside of him, but, it at least had him breath a little easier. The Shadow Project is what they called it. It was new so only he would be able to test it out. A one time thing. The name of the project was at least obvious to the man. Make the subject a shadow so enemies can't spot you. What he didn't expect was for them to make him into a literal shadow. A wraith if you want to be more specific. He didn't know how they did it, what type of chemicals and cybernetics they put into his body. He should have care, should have been worried. But, at this point, he just wanted it to end. He wanted it all to end.

He remembered walking down the long hall to one of the testing chambers, dull golden eyes looking straight ahead of him and two soldiers on either side. He was supposed to test his Shadow Step to see if there needed to be improvements done. But the alarms started blaring and he heard the scientists yelling. He saw some running back and forth down the halls in front of him. There was a large explosion that shook the place, making Haku and the guards stumble in place. 

"What the hell is going on?" Haku rasped out, voice muffled by the gas mask.

The explosion was muffled and sounded like it was coming from above. Soon there were more explosions and the head scientist's voice came on "Everyone! Get to the bomb shelters! Get the experiments into the cryo chambers! Quickly!"

It was all a blur as Haku was suddenly dragged down the many hall ways of this facility. The alarms were still blaring as Haku got dragged to the main Cryo Chamber room, scientists were quickly putting the 'perfect' subjects into the cryo chambers. But he was put in the main one, at the end of the room. Like he would be watching over the others. The head scientist was standing in front of Haku as he was placed in the cryo chamber. 

"Everything will be okay. You will wake up soon and fight for this country." It seemed like he was reassuring himself.

Haku didn't fight back, glad this was happening so he wouldn't go through with the experiments. The thick glass door began to slowly close. The explosions began to become more intense, some rubble was beginning to fall from the ceilings and yet, the alarms kept going on. It seemed they were getting louder and louder. But when the door finally closed with a hiss, everything was muffled. Hardly any sound was coming through. Only the blaring of the alarm could still be heard.

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