Chaper 20

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don't you guys ever just stand and then all of a sudden fall backwards cause, can relate lmao
I drew the little comic thing just to express how it's like for me to fall backwards outta no where xddd
(i wanted to put speed marks for the bottom one but i couldn't find any and i was lazy so i just left it like that and made the hair go up a bit- why am i even talking about this like it matters- i- gi- okay)

you're probably wondering if the mass text from the author is actually important..n o, its just me talking about the drawing i made and how it feels to fall backwards while standing so UhM- onwards to the story!

As i step outside i feel the cool air hit my face, f r e e d o m..gAt dAMN this place looks abandoned, I don't know if i could get help if i tried to...but of course there's Bum still stuck in there with Sangwoo...what would sangwoo do if he found out i was gone..would he go stupid for me? would he go crazy?...big mystery.

I walked down the street a bit, looking over my shoulder to the house, paranoid that Sangwoo would open the door any minute...then i can book it down the street screaming for help if he starts chasing me, ain't no way am i going back in after risking my life to come out here in these streets.

I walk further down, looking around for any sign of life on this desolate region of what we call, uuhhmm..uuuhhhh, mmm...hmmm..auuh, nnnm, hmmm..

"excuse me?"

I jump backwards a bit, startled by the sudden voice. I was sure I was bouta end up dead..but, I saw his face and it was familiar to me for some reason...

"Hey, I'm seung bae..aren't you Sangwoo's cousin? comin here for a visit.."

I gasp a bit, I know who this guy is now, the tall man standing in front of''s.....

"A-Ah yes..ermm..I was just taking a little stroll outside you know? G-Getting to kn-know the place......" I trail off, not making eye contact with him anymore. He grabs my chin gently and makes me look at him, "You're..kinda cute..." I jerk my head back, "kinda??". Seung Bae chuckles and leans in closer, "I was're really cute."

I lean in for our kiss, face to face, Y/N to Seung Bae, lips about to touch!!!!..

"Uhmm..are you okay sir???"

I snap out of my thoughts.

"o-OH- kyaaa!!"

I cover my face in embarrassment as it turns red, for i, Y/N, was leaning into him the whole time...

"I-I could get back to you later? uhh I have some things to do so...if you don't mind I'll be heading off and perhaps we'll run into each other again.."

He scratches the back of his head looking away. I nod with my face still burried into my hands, "why am i so gay for!! whyy!!!"

"I-I'm still here..."

"EEE!!! JUST GO!!"

"Going, I'm going!!"

I run away as fast as I can towards the end of the street panting and blushing "idiot!" i huff out, coming to a stop and cross my arms pouting..I take deep breaths and look around a bit until deciding to start walking back.

In the meantime Seung Bae was going to Sangwoo's house to start investigating about what's going on. He becomes suspicious of the 'cousin' walking outside looking like that, "i guess he didn't notice he had no shoes on and just a sweater and shorts...poor kid's delusional." he mumbles to himself.

I walk back and decide to wait behind a car a bit after seeing Seung Bae snooping around. I wonder what he's doing looking into them image of Sangwoo peering out one of the windows as Seung Bae was looking through pops up in my mind. I shake it off (you can't tell me you guys didn't also start thinking of that one song by taylor swift) and peek over looking at Seung Bae.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA we're done for tonight bois

Killing Stalking X Reader! MALE! Shy! BXB!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora