Chapter 7

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A/N: Omg i didn't notice that on chapter 6 in the author's note XD AHH! Shhhh it's nothing, don't go back and look at it! I'll do that later!
When we went back home Sangwoo wanted us to get ready for something
..i have a bad feeling about this!

"Oi, Y/N" Sangwoo came into the kitchen with Bum by his side

"Yes? Sangwoo?" I replied looking up from the dishes

Yeah i was washing the dishes before Sangwoo came in

"C'mon we're gonna leave right now" He leaned against the door frame watching me

"Y-Yes, I'm coming.." I got up and walked over to Sangwoo and Bum

Bum was giving me little glances, uh excuse me Bum but I'm not taking Sanwoo away! We both can share! I narrowed my eyes at Bum, planning to have a little chat with him later

At A College•

I don't really know what this place is..a high school? College??? Well, who cares, me and Bum were in the crowd, Sangwoo was singing on stage with a girl...i don't like her already

"Hey, Bum" I poked his arm to get his attention

"O- .. y-yes Y/N?" He started fidgeting with his sleeves

A light shade of pink plasteres on my cheeks "i..i just wanted to talk to you...about..Sangwoo"

Bum looks shocked then that expression changes quickly when he heard Sangwoo singing

"Sure.." He replied quite sadly

I pulled Bum's arm to the corner of the building, since we couldn't get out y'know...crazy lil kids..

I didn't notice Sangwoo was actually kinda watching us the whole time, but the performance kept him busy

" you actually like living with Sangwoo?"

Bum looked away, his gaze falling to the ground

"I-i mean i do..but it's just that-" I cut him off, knowing what he meant

"That we don't know who he loves back..or if he even loves one of us"

Bum looked really sad now, his eyes tearing up and his fists turning white from clenching them too hard

"Bum....i know it's hard and i-"

"Just because you act so cool about it doesn't mean that i can too! I love Sangwoo and i want to be with him but there's obstacles okay!"

And just like that he walked away..

•After The Show•

Bum was in the bathroom crying, i couldn't help but try and follow him

"Bum..Bum which stall are you in?"
I heard sniffles and went towards the one in the end. Then all of a sudden i hear the door opening

"!!" It was just Sangwoo..thank god

"Where's Bum?" I pointed at the stall that was occupied by Bum

"Thanks" He walked to the stall and knocked on it, hesitantly the door opened to reveal Bum with red eyes and a shaking body

"Come here Y/N" I walked towards Sangwoo and stood next to him. I hope he doesn't do anything mean to Bum

He then proceeded to push me into the stall on top of Bum and close the door while he was standing right behind me

"Bum what's wrong?" Sangwoo asked while grabbing my waist, pulling me off Bum and picking me up onto his knee while he put his leg on the toilet seat next to bum

"'s just" He looked down and fidgeted with his sleeves

"What is it Bum?" Sangwoo looked at Bum with an understanding face

"It's just that i saw you with that girl on stage and you guys look like you were having fun! And if i didn't know any better you might be fucking her and stuff afterwards and you would stop loving me and Y/N..." Bum took a little break and sighed

"I know you just want to keep us just because you're afraid of us telling the authorities.." Bum looked down at his hands and tears started falling onto his palms

"I'm sorry Bum, that you felt that way. I'm not doing anything with that girl and of course I'll love you both." Sangwoo replied with a happy looking smile while rubbing my side a bit

To be honest i don't trust that smile one bit, if you ask me that's the smile the devil would make when he's bouta rape you

"You sure?.." Bum looked at me and Sangwoo with sad eyes

"Yes, I'm sure" Sangwo said while smiling "if you want you both could suck me off, if that'd make you feel better Bum?" Sangwoo smirked as me and bum's faces went red
A/N: AHHA!! CLIFFHANGER! HOH! SUFFER HOOMANS!!!!!! Ples don't kill me :'3

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