Chapter 4

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I woke up still in the basement tied up next to bum. Then all of a sudden Sangwoo came downstairs with a black bag

"Oh, you're awake"

I looked over at bum, he was barley waking up. His eyes fluttered open and then grew wide


I looked at the man, damn he's fucking hot...

"I bought you two some pourrage"

He brought two cans of pourrage out of the bag and showed it to us


He kicked bum on the leg and he yelped in pain

"I got you two these! Do you know how much they cost?!"

"I-I'm sorry sangwoo!"

I looked at bum feeling bad for him but what could i do?! I'm too scared to speak up, after all sangwoo is scary now that you look at it.

He poured the pourrage on bum's face and then proceeded to say "Does that feel good?"

Bum smiled while sangwoo was pouring pourrage onto his face


"Haha, sick bastard"

He chuckled and threw the can on the floor then looked at me

"What about you? Want pourrage spilled on your face too?"

I could feel my face heating up as i choked out these words

"N-No sa-sangwoo.."

He chuckled and took bum with him upstairs. I could hear shuffling and everything that went on up there. I really didn't mind being in the basement, but i did smell something putrid like a rotting corpse.

Few hours later

Sangwoo came down and had already gotten me out of the basement, me and bum were now crawling on the floor, let me tell you why, bum got hit on the legs with a baseball bat and also fell from the stairs and he did get kicked on the legs by Sangwoo, now me, i got brutally beaten on the legs, had to fall down the stairs a bunch of times to get me to stop standing for a few weeks maybe months. Anyways, yeah we're both now crawling on the floor, Bum has a long skirt on along with a striped shirt that consists of the colors green and red but different shades. Me, I'm wearing short shorts with one of Sangwoo's sweater, yeah amazing right? It even smells like him haaaaahhh, oh right..ahem, we crawl around cleaning and cooking, but when it's time for dinner we eat with Sangwoo, but we sit at a tiny table and Sangwoo just stares at us, like he's waiting for us to make a mistake

Later he asked us to clean out the garbage he had on a shelf, Bum found rat poisoning and had the amazing idea to posion our food...not such a great plan bum

When we were waiting for Sangwoo to eat the soup, he just didn't and looked at us

"Why don't you try it first? Then we all can smile"

I looked at Bum with a paniced expression on my face 'Bum now what?!' I thought as i looked at Bum take a sip of the soup then collapsed.

I looked at Sangwoo, then back at my soup


"Go on, have some there something wrong with the soup?"

I looked down and i don't want to really eat it..what if i really don't make it? What if...yeah I'm over thinking, besides what can possibly go wrong if i tell Sangwoo Bum poisoned his soup? Well, everything that is. What if i told him it was me who poisoned it, and that i had the idea, then at least bum could get out of it unharmed a bit..i hope.

"U-Uhm sangwoo..."

"Yes, Y/N?"

I looked up at him for a brief moment then looked to the side

"I-I poisoned the soup.."

He smiled and chuckled, my heart beated faster and i started to sweat

"Owning up to your actions?"

I nodded

"Well then.."

He went over to my side and kicked me off the chair and started beating me. I must say, this does hurt ;-; he kept on beating me until i was all bruised up.

"I-I'm sor-ry Sangw-woo.."

He only glared down at me and scoffed then took Bum into his room and gave him some salt water and a bucket if he needed to throw up, of course he's not stupid he knew all along that it was Bum not me, but at least the beating for Bum isn't going to be so bad, right?

I stayed in the room with Bum while Sangwoo was doing something else.


I heard Bum groggily say my name


"I feel a little better."

I rubbed the back of his head

"That's good"

Then all of a sudden Sangwoo came in and looked at me, i got that as a hint to move so i did.

"How are you doing Bum?"

He came towards bum and sat down where i had sat down, i mean like rude much?

"A little better.."

Bum and Sangwoo was telling their past stories and then he kissed his cuts on his wrists...yeah uh kiss my scars too! And me...i sat aside...i mean I've always been forgotten so i don't really mind. Then all of a sudden Sangwoo tried to kiss Bum and Bum pushed Sangwoo away, I'm shook, what?!

"N-No, i still smell like vomit"

Sangwoo then forced Bum's lips onto his and they both started to enjoy it all, and I'm just sitting here shook..i'm..gonna..go now..

"I-I can suck it"

YEP! I'm definitely going! I started to crawl towards the closet where the basement was, until Sangwoo had to ruin my great escape by calling me out

"Don't think i forgot about you"

I froze..oh no..

"Come here and you can help Bum suck"

I'm a blushing mess right now i can't even, nooo!!! I don't want too! If only i can say that to his face.

"N-No i do-don't think that's a re-really good idea..."

I turned around and looked at Sangwoo, he then smirked and patted the floor next to him

"Come, it's going to be fine"

I was hesitant for a while then i obliged and crawled to where Sangwoo was patting


Bum and i started licking on Sangwoo's memeber. I started sucking on the bottom of his member, while Bum was sucking on his tip.

Later he released in our faces, Bum licked some off while I wiped it off. I should've offered Bum some of it he looked like he really liked it.

Later on we went to sleep and woke up the next day.
A/N: I can't spell lol, anyways i hope you like this chapter hdjdjdhdh. BUT!!! MY HOOMANS!! BE AWARE THAT IIIIII has made it spicey
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) now you may recollect your memories of the Chapters and say, but saki this isn't in chapter four it was in chapter 5, yes i know my dears BUT! THERE'S A BUT! AND NOT JUST ANY BUT! BUT BUM'S BUTT! Okay I'll stop, but...lel...i mixed them together to make it more interesting, and don't worry your dear Character won't be so outcasted for long, he'll be joining the fun very soon my children
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) okay i just realized that's a bad thing to say to children XD I'm jk never say that to children! Their poor souls ;-; anyways i hope you liked this chapter of my little remake REMEMBER KILLING STAKKING ORIGINALLY BELONGS TO KOOGI MY FAV AUTHOR THERE IS! love you guys for reading and have a great rest of whatever it is ❤

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