Chapter 3

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A/n: rewinding you that I'm getting this off my head -ω-...I'm trying rlly hard to remember what happened in the chapters •ω• so I'm sorry if it's not like the other...Ima just...mess it up now, still hope cha like it! -ω- if you don't then why are you still reading this? ≖ω≖ ?

The girl was screaming and struggling to get free, naked and afraid (-ω- i hate myself right now XD)

She kept on struggling until she screamed bloody murder

I turned around only to see sangwoo towering over us with a bat hung over his shoulder


He turned around and backed up into a wall. I tried to grab his arm and move with him but sangwoo swung the bat nearly hitting my head and busting it open like a nut (you dirtey hooman! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) no that was just me...carry on)

"S-sangwoo please.."

Bum pleaded only to get no reaction but a simple sigh as he put the gag over the girls mouth again and hit her with the bat making her black out

"S-sangwoo...r-remember that time when you saved me from my superiors.."

"Oh, you're Yoon Bum. The guy that almost got RAPED by his superiors only to be in luck that day to have me walk by."

"Y-yeah and i-i love you sangwoo!! I really love you!"

"Wow, good for you. You see, i don't really give a fuck."

I stayed quiet when all this commotion was going on until..

"And you? Who are you?"

He snapped his head towards me

"Don't think that i forgot about you boy."

I gulped, "i-i'm Y/N..y-you don't know m-me b..ut i-i know y-you.."

I put my head down and fiddled with my sleeves, a faint shade of pink plastered on my cheeks. I could feel the heat burning on my face..and..somewhere else..being this close to sangwoo makes me a little excited okay?!

Bum tried to run away towards the stairs but he didn't hesitate and he swung his bat and hit Bum on the head. Poor Bum was just trying to get out alive.

I looked up at sangwoo with fear in my eyes. He smiled wickedly and swung the bat at me hitting my head. I saw little lights as my vision begun to fade away.

So this is what it feels like to get hit up the head? hurts that's for sure.
A/n: no one really bothers to read these ;ω; but i wanna say dat...i forgot what i was'll come back to me soon, I'm like an old lady, i can't remember SHIT even though I'm like at fairly young age and i shouldn't be losing memories like this but oh i totally forgot what i was gonna type..hold on, it got to me when i was re-reading the story ima go do that again. OKAY! I got it! Expect the next chapter to be..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *lenny intensifies*
Smooty (      ̄ω ̄) (smutty) yes i can read your mind I'm magical *ω* FLUFF MY CHAPTER'S TOO SHORT! >:^ェ

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