Grimm attack

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Everyone were in the lockers getting there weopns.

Layla: why do we have to do this?

Snow: you know why.

(Y/N): and were you four going.

Claud: training.

Toby: same as always

Hibiki: for what.

Snow: the tournament.

Tsubasa: same with that.

Obi: well its importat to train

Snow saw that he was covering his eyes with vandana.

Snow: that vandana hes wearing it again.


Both were at a training school obi was wearing the same vandana.

Snow: hey why are you covering your eyes wait is that the vandana i put in your leg.

Obi: i rather dont talk about

Snow just lookeed worried.

End of falshback

Snow: hey why are you covering your eyes?

Obi: what did i told you last time its normal.

Layla: oh no this is how they met there going to argue.

Claud: we should leave

Karla: an argument between lovers i want to see this.

Before they were going to argue they heard a siren.

Karla: what is that.

Snow: the city.

Scroll: team SCLT come quickly.

They ran and went up the ship. And saw the city filled with Grimm.

Layla: there to many of them.

Snow: we can handle youll see

Layla: how can you be so sure.

Snow: just trust me.

She jumped down and (Y/N) freaked out.


Claud: now were talking.

Layla: wait for me

Karla: are there crazy?!

Britney: oh come on just do it

They all jumped and snow landed by shooting some grimm.

Snow: whos next.

Layla: show off

Claud: now its our rurn.

Snow: fine ill see get your butts kick.

Claud: hey.

Meanwhile Both were punched by a grimm.

Snow: see now i have to do everything myself

Obi: not a chance. (Putting his hood up)

Snow: ugh hey that ones mine.

Britney: the same as kids. (Looks at (Y/N and the other girls)

And then Zio went out to fight some grimm.

Britney: why is my heart pounding like this wait what in earth am i thinking i here to help my brother get snow but he fights so cool

Maenwhile with the girls.

Hibiki: why do i feel that i wnat to punch someone right now.

Stubasa: i feel that someones close to (Y/N)

Maria: oh no i will kill that person.

And with snow and obi argument.

Snow: why do you always have to steel my target.

Obi: me why are you standing in my way. you Pakestenian

Snow: stop it.

Britney: stop arguing and fight.

Both separated and attacked different grimm then team CFVY came with profesor port.

Toby: you guys finally came.

Snow: alright another down.

Obi: i told you to stay out of my way.

Snow: why are acting like this.

Obi: you know what just mind your own business.

Snow: fine i will.

(Y/N): umm should i stop them or you know what.

He kicked the grimm.

Snow: bro do not inervene.

Karla: wow shes really mad.

Snow: take that.

Obi: please i can do it better.

Snow: why you

Britney: obi remember dont let it out.

Karla: what are you talking about

Britney: uh nothing important

Obi: there ten here.

Snow: ten here too.

Obi: hey snow look out. (Slashes a bear grimm)

Snow: hey thanks.

Obi: no problem and i got eleven.

Snow: okay thats it.

She frozed the rest of the grimm and destroyed them.

Snow: and thats all of them.

Obi: show off.

Snow: hmph

Hibiki: she stoled all of them.

When it was all over they went to see the horizon

(Y/N): you really need to behave.

Smow: yeah i know( does apouty face)

Someone was way on top of the roof staring at them.

???: i finally get what i always wanted huh Obi?

He continues watching the group and also see the Atlas soldier taking torchwick.

Karla: well he will be behind bars for a long time.

Snow: bye bye

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