Chapter 2

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Bakugo's P.O.V

As I lazily dragged my feet along the old foot path that's dimly lit by a light post while scrolling through my phone still try to find out where I am, I stumbled across an old park bench, I sat down still struggling to find where I am, I decided to lay down to try get more comfortable but that just back fired on me because I soon fell asleep... on an old dirty park bench...

Kirishima's P.O.V

It was early in the morning probably around 1:30 am but I couldn't sleep, for some reason I had this weird feeling in my gut telling me to go out, and I really believe in gut feelings, you never know what they might bring you! So having that gut feeling I decided to follow it and I went for a walk, I locked the door to my house and turned to go the way I usually do when I go on walks but my gut told me no, so I went the other way and after a few long minutes walking in the cold night breeze a figure in the distance laying on the old park bench was brought to my attention, as I jogged closer and closer I could slowly start to make out the details of the figure, from what I can see at the moment, it is a male with untameable ash blond hair with a backpack next to him that doesn't seem to have much more space in it. I stopped jogging and slowly started walked towards him now beginning to be careful around him, he seems to be asleep so before I woke him up I decided to check his pockets for anything that can cause harm, thankfully he didn't have anything so I proceeded on to waking him up so I start to slowing and carefully begin rocking his arm back an forth trying my best not to startle him too much when he wakes up.

Bakugo's P.O.V

I grumble as I feel something nudging at my arm, I crazy open an eye to try see what it is that has disturbed my slumber this time, to my surprise it's a man who seems around my age, and has stunning red hair that falls just below his amazingly chiseled jaw line, fuck Bakugo stop! he is a stranger that you haven't even said a word to! I slowly sit up using one hand to help me balance while the other runs the sleep out of my eye, "huh? What time is it?" I ask while swinging both my legs off the old bench and onto the slightly rocking ground, "umm, 1:47 in the morning dude, what are you doing out here anyway?" Questioned the glamorous red head, bakugo no! "Oh" I answer looking into his rube read eyes, he continued to look at me as if looking for an answer, "yes?" I asked confused, "what are you doing out here sleeping on the old park bench at 1:50 in the morning?, now that I think about it, I haven't seen you around before" he said, great what excuse can I use now, I mean I might as well tell him the truth what harm can it do?, "I was kicked out by my family when I told them I was gay..." I said painfully, he could see the pained look in my eyes as I started to tear up again without realising, "hey bro it's alright, you can... you can stay with me my housemate recently moved out so you can stay in his room!" He said pitying tone which did annoy me I bit, but I chose to ignore it I'm too tired to even try start anything at the moment.

Kirishima's P.O.V

Heck! You was he so fucking cute, he's gay too! Wait! I just invited a cute gay guy to live with me... shit! Wait what if he thinks I'm weird for letting a stranger live with me so easily, "uh, are you okay?" He asks, shit I've just been standing here staring at for god knows how long, he definitely thinks I'm weird now, "yeah I'm fine!" I say with my big toothy smile, "follow me, and when we get home I'll make you something to eat though I will admit I'm that good at cooking" I admit, rubbing the back of my neck with a chuckle.

~time skip~

once we arrived at he house i told him to sit on the lounge and wait a couple minuets while i go grab him a few things from the store room. when i returned to the lounge room he was just sitting there staring into nothing, "hey" i said breaking his trance, he looked at me indicating that he was listening so i continued, "here are the things that i thought you might need" i stated as i set the pile of necessities on the lounge beside him, "thanks" he said as quiet as ever but just loud enough for me to hear, "my name is Kirishima, Eijirou Kirishima, by the way" i told him as he inspected the pile of new belongings he had just been given, "Katsuki Bakugo" he softly stated while picking up the blanket i had folded into the pile, " okay bakugo, imma go start cooking, if you need anything ill be in the kitchen which is right behind that wall" i tell him as i gesture to the wall a few meters in front of us, he nodded slightly so took that as my cue to leave him alone to process everything that has happened, 'maybe ill ask him more about later' i think to myself as a head off to the kitchen.

Bakugo's P.O.V

Once Kirishima turned the corner i wrapped myself in the soft orange blanket that he gave to me only a few minuets ago, i slowly lean into the lounge so i can lay on my side, i'm still quite tired so i'll just close my eyes for a little, the sound of dishes slightly clashing together in the kitchen some how calmed me, all the sounds around me softly fading as i quietly fall asleep in a much more preferred sleeping position.

~1040 words~

(i know it bad but here's chapter two, you can thank my friends for annoying me so much to write it, but please do leave comments on things you would like to see happen in this story and ill try my best add them in future chapters!)

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