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Cassidy sat silently as she spun the ammo cartridge in her hand, her left foot on the head of the fallen Scorn Baron. A faint growl came from the creature as Cassidy sat there waiting for the baron to speak. If anyone knew anything, it would be the Machinist. Sentry floated a few feet away, scanning over the baron's gun, deciding if it was worth taking.
Sundance sat on the top of Cassidy's head, the ghost content in it's spot as it waited for the Machinist to start being useful to the guardian and two ghosts. The hangman wasn't much of an issue, she had killed him far before the Vanguard had even arrived and she dealt with his followers just as quickly.

Another argument had broken out with the three of them, this time claiming that she was out of her mind. Her? Cassidy, out of her mind? She chuckled at the thought, of course she was as she lowered the hand cannon towards the Machinist's shoulder and firing another round in. The fallen roared in pain as it tried to reach up with it's only good arm to push the guardian's boot off her head. 

"No, no, no." Cassidy laughed as she pushed off the rock she was sitting on and slid the cartridge into her pocket. "I just need a bit of information." The machinist growled as Cassidy smirked and Sentry returned floating beside his guardian.

"Never..." She growled as Cassidy put pressure on her the fallen's head. It moaned as it tried to get out of the position once again and Cassidy fired a round into the baron's right leg. Another scream echoed through the room as Cassidy smiled, and stopped with the pressure on the baron's head.

"Talk." Cassidy growled moving the gun towards the fallen's back. She could shoot her spine and entirely immobilize her, that she could do. After all, they don't need to be alive, they have hurt and killed so many and Cassidy wouldn't allow them to hurt anyone else. "Just tell me where Uldren is."

"Kill me!" BANG! That statement was incentive enough, Cassidy thought as she lowered the handcannon. Her eyes trailing the destroyed room as she stepped away from the dead baron.

"We'll find him." Sundance whispered as she moved from her spot on Cassidy's head.

"I know we will." Cassidy answered the ghost, but it didn't stop her stomach from churning. She wanted... no she needed Cayde to be safe.
"Sundance..." The red ghost floated in front of her watching her with her glowing eye. "Do you think that, I made a mistake?"

"Mistake? When?" Sundance asked as Sentry floated up to Cassidy's side.

"You know... using the remains of the travelers shard?" Cassidy questioned as the ghost hesitated.

"If you hadn't I'd be dead, Cass..." Sundance whispered as Cassidy stopped and looked to the ghost for a few moments.

"It took a lot to transfer that light." Sentry admitted as he floated over to where Sundance was hovering.
"I'm certain no one else would ever do that for another guardian."

"Agreed. Cassidy, you gave me some of your light to bring me back." Sundance started only to get cut off by the guardian.

"I didn't do much. Just transferred the light from the shard to you, it wasn't that bad but you can't resurrect him. What good is it if you can't ress?" Cass whispered, knowing the ghost didn't have enough light to do that.

"You're scared of what could happen. It's a reasonable response, but you know Cayde is so stubborn. So headstrong that he'll-" The ghost stopped as she started to quiver.

"Sundance? Hey Sundance!" Cassidy yelled as she grabbed the ghost before it crashed to the ground. "Sundance, hey. Hey! What's happening!" Cassidy asked, looking up at Sentry as her ghost scanned Sundance. The red ghost's optic flickered as it continued to shake.

"Nothings wrong with her... Cayde!" The shout from Sentry scared Cassidy more than she cared to admit. Scooping up the ghost she started to sprint, heading towards the exit of the area. "We don't know where he is!"

"We'll find him!"

"Cassidy, we have no clue where he is." Sentry stated as Cassidy stopped, forcing her to pace.

"You have those recordings from Petra right?"

"Yes, of course I do. But what does that have to do-"

"Find any record that you have of Petra talking about Uldren." Cassidy ordered as Sentry started searching through his recordings. Time seemed to stand still as Cassidy continued to pace, her attention fully on the little ghost in her hands. "Sentry!"

"I'm looking, it's taking a bit.... Found it. He believed he was talking to Mara, and Petra threw him in jail because of it. He claimed that she was alive but trapped in the Watchtower." Sentry stated as Cassidy sprinted past him. "Wait! We shouldn't go straight to the Watchtower! Do you know how dangerous it is!" Sentry hollered as he flew after Cassidy, but she wasn't paying him any mind.

"If Cayde's there, I'm going. We don't have a choice Sentry! So get your little butt in gear and let's go!" Cassidy yelled as she cut down a hallway, leading back out of the Machinists lair.

"Sometimes I wonder why I picked you."

"What was that?"


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